Extra Magazine Special is a quality stamp. It is a new brand for our very best and most thorough journalism. I think you should read. It’s all about your and your neighbor’s lives. In this Special we focus on the police cash cow: Fotovognene.

even Though speed is one of the biggest killers in traffic, and police primary hastighedsindsats in the form of fotovogne prints record number of fines each year, so enough to save lives on the roads.

Thus there was last year 175 people killed in traffic – in 2012 the figure was 167.

There was otherwise of Færdselssikkerhedskommissionen in the report ‘Every accident is one too much’ established annual milestones for how the number of people killed, seriously injured and slightly injured in each year should fall.

In none of the years since the release does, however, have reached the annual targets for how many deaths and serious injuries there may be.

the Police money-making – Link to the main article PENGEMASKINEN
Fotovogne blitzer on the loose in the cities while people are dying on the roads


overall, it was the goals that by the year 2020, the highest must be 120 killed in traffic of 1,000 serious injuries and 1,000 slightly injured. However, the commission has also set annual targets for the three categories for each year. The number before the slash shows what delmålet was in the year. In 2013 there were a target of a maximum of 161 had to lose their lives in traffic, while there is de facto dead 191.

Killed: 161 / 191
Seriously injured: 1833 / 1891
slightly injured: 1577 / 1503

Killed: 155 / 182
Seriously injured: 1714 / 1797
slightly injured: 1494 / 1396

Killed: 149 /178
Seriously injured: 1595 / 1780
slightly injured: 1330 / 1376

Killed: 144 / 211
Seriously injured: 1476 / 1796
slightly injured: 1330 / 1432

Killed: 138 / 175
Seriously injured: 1357 / 1756
slightly injured: 1247 / 1387

Source: Færdselssikkerheds commission in 2013 and Denmark’s Statistics.

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To reduce the number of serious accidents was precisely the main argument behind the fact that the police should have quadrupled the number of fotovogne from 25 to 100 in 2015.

in addition to the 355 million dollars more in bødekassen last year, compared with 2015, however, it is difficult to observe any effect of fotovognene, if you look at the number of people killed or seriously injured.

the Extra Leaf has also revealed that the police in small scale places fotovognene, after which there is a serious accident due to speed, when they place fotovognene also called ATK.

Among other things, kept fotovognene in 2016 and 2017, twice as many hours in it, one usually refers to as urban compared with rural roads. Even though, Færdselssikkerhedskommissionen in the very same report in 2013 concluded that 75 percent of the deaths in traffic accidents where speed is a factor, it happens on the highways.

the Likelihood that the commission’s overall 2020 target of a maximum of 120 people killed, seeing as also in bad shape, think Harry Lahrmann, trafikforsker at Aalborg University.

– I think we all (trafikforskere in Denmark, red.) agree that it is unrealistic that we reach the target of 120 deaths in 2020. The move is still the largest single largest in the accidents, but inattention also plays a big role.

on the other hand, is it harder to do something about inattention, because it is difficult to check whether people are sitting and fiddling with the radio, or watching on their mobile. With speed you can for example put more fotovogne on the street, says Harry Lahrmann.

The 75 extra fotovogne was also of several highly effective to increase safety on the roads. Among other things, the Council for Safe Traffic was excited when they rolled out on the roads.

– They have tremendous importance (fotovogne, ed.). Experience from abroad shows that we can expect to reduce the serious injuries by between 20 and 25 percent – thus it is something of the most effective, when you want to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities caused in traffic (to use fotovogne, ed.), then dokumentationschef, current senior adviser, Council for Safe Traffic Jesper Sølund and cemented his conviction:

On the way there is no discussion. This is a really good investment.

From 2014 to 2017, the number of seriously injured decreased by 2.2 percent. The number of deaths has declined by 3.8 percent.

In all, it managed to reduce the number of seriously injured with 135 persons from 2013 to 2017 and the number of slightly injured with 116, while 16 fewer lost their lives in traffic accidents last year.

Police: – Our control is significant

do you Think that your efforts with fotovogne is successful?

– The purpose which forms the basis for the hastighedsindsatsen, we are looking for the best of their ability to meet. And according to our own surveys, is there in fact a high uheldsbelastning in the places, where we have a high control pressure. But I also recognize that there can be svipsere in between. But I have more of a focus on that overall we managed to achieve the endpoint, we have set out, says Erik Accommodation, chief of the Rigspolitiets National Færdselscenter, and the responsible for the police færdselsindsats, including fotovognene.

the Number of deaths has not decreased over the past six years. Get it not you as the boss to think that you have not done it well enough?

– It gets me to think, that the police checks are essential, that we come Into the goal. And this is why it is important for me that we can document the effectiveness of our efforts. For it contributes to that we drag in the direction in which the commission’s ambition dictates.

this are often shot in the shoes that you use fotovognene as money-making by holding that, where you can print the most bøderr forward to keep, where the speed is at fault in serious accidents. What do you think of the accusation?

– The overall purpose of the police færdselsindsats is to reduce the number of people killed and injured.