“… Put the light on the feathers origin”

“the Dinosaurs were, perhaps, not the first on earth to wear feathers. For now, the researchers have also found the feather-like structures of the … who share a common ancestor with the dinosaurs.”

“Flygödlorna, pterosaur was the largest flying animals that existed on earth. At first they were relatively small, but the lower the younger cretaceous there were species that had a wingspan of 12-14 feet.”

“the Head was prolonged into a beak-like nose and one of the clawed fingers were longer than both over – arm and forearm and the bar up the wing, which consisted of a large skinnflik, much like today’s bats. But despite the fact that they lived at the same time was flygödlorna no dinosaurs.”

“the ability to fly, despite it was not, however, from the flygödlorna that today’s birds descended, but from the dinosaurs. And it was, therefore, of the dinosaurs, it was thought that feathers first arose.”

“Although know for a long time to flygödlorna had thread-like fibers or”

“But now including the chinese and british researchers studied two well-preserved fossils of less … who lived for 165 to 160 million years ago in what today is China. And then they discovered that these animals had at least four kinds of the hair or wool on, of which three are strongly reminiscent of the feathers in the sense that they are branched.”

“– We carried out a number of evolutionary analyses and they clearly showed that pterosauriernas pyknofibrer are the feathers, like modern birds and many different species of dinosaurs had, ” says Mike Benton, a professor at the University of Bristol.”

“Because they are so similar, the researchers write in the journal Nature, Ecology & Evolution, they must share a common origin. Probably, they claim, evolved the first feathers already 250 million years ago, long before the first birds saw the light of day.”

“Other scientists are not as convinced. To examine small and fossilized structures with the help of scanning electron microscope and x-ray spectroscopy is not easy and will always involve a certain degree of subjectivity when the outcome is to be interpreted, write Liliana DAlba, researcher at Universiteit Gent in Belgium, in the same magazine. This is not to say that the … had different types of pelage and that some of these structures were related with the springs. The question of when, and in which the very first feathers emerged, however, must still be considered open, she writes.”

“Flygödlorna, Pterosauria, lived during earth’s middle ages, from the middle of the triassic period to the end of the cretaceous period, for 228 to 66 million years ago.”

“They belong to the same branch on the family tree as dinosaurs and birds, but another side branch. Over 200 genera with many more species are known.”

“The earliest species were tandförsedda and had long tails, while the latter species lacked teeth and had a greatly reduced tail. A significant growth took place from the oldest to the youngest species.”

“the ability to fly was that they had developed hudmembran that stretched from the feet to the fingers, just like modern bats.”

“Source: Public Library of Science”