VISTA! In our voetbalwebcast VISTA!, in collaboration with Proximus Sports, was Gilles De Bilde the central guest. With the ex-footballer and current analyst of vtm is the main theme undoubtedly RSC Anderlecht, where today already became known that Karim Belhocine and Jonas De Roeck of the temporary take over of Vanhaezebrouck. Also in the vtm-studio: Wim De Coninck, an analyst from Proximus Sports and Niels Poissonnier, watcher of Club Brugge for The Latest News. Moderator, Nicolas De Brabander Proximus Sports.

analyst Wim De Coninck is the dismissal of virtually no surprise. “We can hardly claim that the level improved. The deterioration is actually always but. This team seemed to be really death. If the public once the discharge starts to cry… one and one is two. It is, however, surprising that, in the end, as soon happened. Than expected you earlier today.” “In that regard, they own the principle of Anderlecht remained. Namely, that there is sometimes something unexpected can happen,” said Gilles De Bilde. “There will be a whole bunch of things in the short term to be discussed.”