Unusual Demonstration in Israel: Nine Ministers have protested against their own government. You are calling for tougher action against the Palestinians in the West Bank.

something had happened in Israel. Nine Ministers yesterday gathered in front of the seat of your own Prime Minister in protest against their own government. Even the Minister of Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party.

The Demo was organised by a Organisation of Jewish settlers. The calls of the government for a tougher approach toward the Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

In a terrorist attack against the Israeli settlement of Ofra, a yet unborn Baby of an Israeli woman was injured. Later, the Baby died. In another attack, two Israeli soldiers died.

education Minister Naftali Bennett joined the protests. to be

“assassin, pays off”

The Demonstration is also education Minister, Naftali Bennet came out a rival from Prime Minister Netanyahu. “Today, it ‘pays’ to be an assassin,” he told Israeli Radio. “We need to change that. What if assassins know before your fact that their parents are relocated? The house of the parents is destroyed? That they will not be edited will not be a Martyr-get money and also the corpse? Then it will no longer pay for assassins at once. And this is the best and most effective way of Terror away.”

Shortly after the Demo, the Israeli Prime Minister, who had demonstrated against their own government, attended a Cabinet meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu. Of the action is not funny, according to tense the mood was.

A new law, families of Palestinian bombers should be able to against their will into the West Bank to be resettled.

collective punishment.

brought to two laws, which are intended to represent a clear response to the attacks of the past few weeks So the families of Palestinian suicide bombers should be able to be relocated in the future within the West Bank against their will. Collective punishment, to deter.

A second law provides for the recognition of 60 of the outposts of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank. Both laws are not yet adopted for a long time.

But Israel’s attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit, the plans rejected. He has constitutional concerns. The law of national education Minister Bennet will not disturb the: “The attorney-General of the government is an excellent consultant. But it remains also. He is just a consultant. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the government to make decisions.”

After the attacks: pressure from settlers to Netanyahu
Benjamin Hammer, ARD Tel Aviv
17.12.2018 13:52 PM

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