in The last few years there has been a certain political turn in cannabisfrågan. As late as in October this year legalized the use, sale and possession of cannabis in Canada and in the united states legalized cannabis in several states and was decriminalized in the more.

Israel is expected to legalize cannabis in 2019, the same year that Norway intends to decriminalise cannabis. Against the background of this change in our environment, we should see on our own drug policy in order to find a rational and fair approach based on facts and rational trade-offs rather than a conservative, albeit contemporary, tradition.

have a number of advantages. A lighter drug would largely disappear from the criminal market range, whose target audience greatly narrows.

at the same time, can the supply chain be examined and the quality, and hence safety of operation, increase – just as Maylee Oja writes in his letter to the editor. Ultimately, more money goes back into society rather than to the criminal element.

of Course, would the legalization be done with small steps in the highly regulated forms. Not unlike the historical state, or the royal, the relationship to spirits, tobacco and tea, which often begun with great restraint and then slowly become public, popular be. A slow, controlled – and often politically sensitive process.

, which is often regarded as Europe’s national centre, is cannabisförsäljningen regulated. After that in the 70s divided the drugs into different categories, light and heavy, the light, the drug cannabis effectively been decriminalised for personal use and small-scale holdings, by changes in the law or toleranspraxis in the public state prosecutor’s office.

the Sale takes place at special places, in small volumes and only to the age of majority and enrolled accommodation in the country. Drogpolitiken resulted in that the country paradoxically is expected to have fewer problematic drogbrukare per capita than many other european countries – and which is usually seen as a strong argument for the decriminalization or legalization abroad.

The storm clouds that are on the cannabishimlen in the case of a Swedish decriminalization or legalization will primarily from a general concern for side effects and unexpected consequences in the large-scale and largely consumption. But also from a kind of religious etikettsfixering, where narkotikaklassningen in itself makes the justification for cannabis is evil and should remain illegal.

in Sweden, should be taken more seriously. Here are many shades and dimensions to take to be on without getting stuck on labels or hypothetical worst-scenarios.

Look at other countries ‘ implementation and learn from their shortcomings and successes. There are data that point to a positive correlation between the cannabisliberal policies and reduced misuse problems and fewer users of heavier drugs per capita.

The increased tax revenues that would come with legal sales combined with a greater transparency in the context of a legalization can also contribute to lower the thresholds for those who are – or perceive themselves to be addicted to seek care and support and in time.

can provide better state of public finances, a tightening of an important cash cow for the criminals and a healthier all drug policy for both the patient and others.