The project is huge: by 2022, 575 administrative services in the framework of the online, it should be done in access law completely online – it is one of the Top projects of the Federal Chancellery chief Helge Braun (CDU) and digital Minister of state Dorothee Bär (CSU). Progress at individual projects, but the construction of the basic structure falters technically as well as organizationally. One cause may be that the HR strategy is aligned to German authorities to digitization – this is a study of the consulting firm Ernst & Young (EY), the vorlieht the daily mirror exclusive pre-shows.

Only every fifth authority appointment Online possible

a fully digitized to the Authorities, none of the 201 respondents, heads of administrative bodies have been reported. Only 20 percent of the Online appointment system is fully possible, although it is comparatively easy to implement. Only six percent indicate that the fees can be paid online, only three percent use the E-identity card (e-ID), just four percent offer digital customer accounts.

That the Service is so far so little digitized, is also likely to be due to a personnel strategy: only 18 percent of the respondents indicate that the staff is aligned to strategy your body in the required digitization. 50% to explain, although there are only sporadic initiatives on the subject, but no overall concept. 32 percent identify approaches, however, increased alignment of the HR activities on the digital Transformation.

As the largest barrier to data protection is seen

A majority of the respondents, the blame for this lack of progress, however, not in itself, but in regulation: 66% of call as exaggerated perceived privacy as the biggest barrier on the way to digital authority.

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Almost naively, the evaluation of the respondents, looking at how technologies such as Artificial intelligence have an impact on the public administration: the vast majority (74 percent) of the respondents, as well as leaders and managers convinced that the digitisation in the future, no Jobs in their authority will disappear.

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daily mirror conference Agenda 2019 Chancellery Minister: “We need to be in digital projects and disruptive”

Ruth Ciesinger

For the study were 201 Authorities of managers and staff, decision-makers and in public administrations, urban municipalities, in the Federal administrations as well as municipal and state-owned companies have been interviewed decision-makers.