Over the weekend has been Stefan Löfven had conversations with the president, Andreas Norlén on the next step in regeringsfrågan. But what they discussed, he does not say a word about, more than that they determined that now remains only two votes before an extra option stands for the door.

Löfven came to the Avesta with Friday’s setback in the back, then he again was rejected in the parliament as prime minister. The negotiations with the Centre party and the Liberals deadlocked after six meetings, one of which lasted 13 hours, and now he stretches out his hand again.

put me down again to talk and negotiate until we get a government that does not give the far-right extremists, the decisive power regarding the future of Sweden, said S-leader at a press conference before the century.

– far-right extremists have the goal to exclude some people from our community. And it is based on these people’s beliefs, religion, sexual orientation or political belief. In every time and every place where right-wing extremists mobilize, each democrat faced with a choice.

He says that’s never going to compromise with The sweden democrats and that C and L promised the same thing in the election campaign.

” We can’t let some issues get in the way of the collective responsibility of the society and open democracy. And if not all parties who want it can accumulate in the middle so must, unfortunately, any compromise with its core values.

is scheduled with both parties he doesn’t want to go into that.

– Will those calls in time and to bring such call, then I’ll tell them. This is best if it is operated directly with these parties and not in the media, ” says Löfven.

In jultalet he tried to avoid regeringsfrågan but came in on the subject when he took up resistance against The sweden democrats. He urged his hearers to resistance ”solidarity, community, and human dignity.”

” Just because they do not point out to you and your family today, you are never sure that you go free in the morning, he said in the speech.

need a strong defense, not just in the literal sense, but also for democracy, libraries, and public service. Löfven also tried to sell into what’s described as a large trygghetsprogram, with more police officers and staff in health care, the need for a klimatomställning and the introduction of an additional family week for parents more time with their children.

climate change got a relatively large place in the century, where it threatened the guillemot, whose shell cracked due to environmental toxins during the 1960s, became something of a symbol. Now is the air and water cleaner, and thus the bird may incubate surely, the prime minister said.

It has now been 100 days since the election and a certain frustration can be seen that Sweden does not have a government than. ”The people are impatiently”, got the audience in the old industry Actually hear.

” Yes, of course. I’m just as frustrated as the voters. This is an unusually long time by Swedish standards. This is why I work every day to get to a solution, ” says Löfven.

Read more: Video: regret the outcome in the statsministeromröstningen

Read more: President puts new pressure on the leaders of the party

Read more: Parliament votes ‘ no ‘ for Löfven as prime minister