The big riot after the derby between Brøndby and FC Copenhagen 4. november will now be a serious aftermath of one of the parties.

Ekstra Bladet learns that a 23-year-old man today has been arrested by the Copenhagen is Ranked the Police.

the Man is suspected of violence against police in connection with the ballad, which stood in the wake of Brøndbys defeat to FCK on Brøndby Stadium, where at least 70 police officers were exposed to one or another form of violence.

Violence against persons in the public service is punishable by fine or imprisonment of up to eight years.

the Article continues below the image.

the Riots started immediately after the fight, when a group of fans tried to attack another fangruppering.

Police officers laid themselves however from, which among other things resulted in that a cop was hit by a stone on the leg and lower part of the body. That cop was brought to Herlev Hospital from the emergency room, where he was admitted for observation.

the Fighting spread to other areas. Especially at Whoops Bodega a mile from Brøndby Stadium, where there was used tear gas and thrown stones and other objects at the officers.

First, more than four hours after the match completion, the completed police work at the room.

the outbreak of violent trouble after the Brøndby-FCK 4. november. Among other things, in front of the tavern Whoops Bodega. Photo: Kenneth Meyer

Already before the match police were met with strong in numbers up to keep track of the spectators of the derby between Brøndby and FCK. Photo: Kenneth Meyer

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