your party colleagues call her “the Princess”, but this Monday is an extremely unfürstlicher day for Doris von Sayn-Wittgenstein. The AfD-tip must decide whether you want to throw the schleswig-Holstein AfD country Director from the party. From the parliamentary group of Sayn-Wittgenstein had flown already. She was a member of the extreme right-wing “Association of memorial,” which she denies. In order for this to be solved, it must begin today, before the AfD Federal Executive Board in Berlin.

A process of elimination is not a Party to, is relatively likely. Spicy: a hair Sayn would have become Wittgenstein last year, AfD Chairman, only one vote was missing to her. You would have had success would decide on the AfD now about the kicking out of their own Boss.

campaign against refugee Pact flopped

Also annoying for the right-wing populists: this Monday, the UN General Assembly adopted the global refugee Pact. The AfD has made the mood – after she had already dotted with the campaign against the sister agreement, the UN-migration Pact on their followers. But the follow-up campaign against the refugee Pact is no longer lit. Even the turquoise-blue government in Austria will today agree to in New York. Why not locks? The refugee Pact to help poor countries, many of the refugees. This could in the long term, even lead to fewer people coming to Central Europe.

The CDU now wants to draw consequences from the heated net debates, such as the migration Pact. In an interview with the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper” said Union leader Ralph brinkhaus, the “Social Bots” in the fight. These are programs that masquerade as humans, and the climate of Opinion can have an influence.

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brink, the house is proposing a labeling requirement for Bot messages. Then would be visible, who has written a Tweet: man or machine. As it goes on, readers can keep track of the “daily mirror Background of digitalization & KI”. If the CDU does not improve, however, your own communication in the network, uses your not a Bot law.

The Left is now struggling with the digital communication: the one Who car at the weekend, the Website of Sahra servant collection movement wanted to visit to get Up, looked at a black screen. Reason: A bizarre dispute between the Stand-bearer of the Association and of the advertising company three factory Entertainment GmbH, whose managing Director is also a member of Stand up. Three had designed the website, but because getting Up did not want to allegedly pay off the page. Up claims, however, that the bill had not been paid. So or so: car servant project tangled in the snares of capitalism and don’t want to come right from the kink.

President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble, seems to have little interest in dealing with the Azerbaijan-affair surrounding his Party colleague, Karin Strenz. The CDU member of the Bundestag had been received about a company payments from Azerbaijan, but was for the Council of Europe in 2015, however, as an election observer in the capital, Baku, traveled. Without payments in advance. A Conflict Of Interest. The European Council asked the Bundestag to clarify the affair to the end of 2018, however, Schäuble, leaving you with a response. Now the Bureau wants to find according to daily mirror information only at its first meeting in 2019, that Strenz has violated the rules. Five to twelve, in a sense.

More about

Doris von Sayn-Wittgenstein, AfD group in Kiel includes country Manager

The capital situation of Mary Fiedler and her Team is part of the daily mirror-Morning, the news summary for policy-makers. Free of charge, you can register here. In our Podcast “Five minutes in Berlin”, explains Maria Fiedler also, what is it in the Capital.