the Climate and the ministry of the environment has decided to review rovviltnemndene that will trap three ulverevir within ulvesonen. After the review has the climate and miljødepartementet decided that two of the herds still get to live.

It was confirmed at a press conference today.

One tribe is taken out, even if it holds to within ulvesonen.

TOLD ABOUT the DECISION: Climate and miljøminister Ola Elvestuen had with the ministry of agriculture and mr. Bård Hoksrud (frp) and health minister Bent on High (Right) when he inform about the decision relating to the licence. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB scanpix Show more

– the Decision of the regional the tribunal is contested by a number of actors, both of those that will cherish, and those who are experiencing the wolf as a strain. We open for licence of Slettåsflokken, says the climate and miljøminister Ola Elvestuen.

He says the following about the decision:

– It is not the basis for the to trap the wolf alone because bestandsmålene is reached. In this particular case, we have concluded that the strict conditions for killing of a wolf within ulvesonen is fulfilled for a crowd. It is the first time we open for the killing of a wolf within the ulvesonen, ” he says.

the Reason is that the conflict here has been loud and lasted long.

the Decision evokes strong reactions from both sides in the inflamed controversy about the Norwegian wolf population.


the Decision is a startling and unacceptable. Norwegian ulveforvaltning have played fallitt, this decision is just politics. We think it is shameful that you seem to be using a threatened with extinction species to position themselves before elections next year, ” says environmental manager Ingrid Lomelde in the WWF, the World wildlife fund in a pressemelidng.

last year, at the same time, the government were not the basis to take out Slettås-herd, because the threshold for hunting within the zone will be high, because the one closest has opened for the free hunting outside the. The situation for Slettås-the pack has not changed since last year, the herd have not changed the behavior, it is therefore incomprehensible that the assessment in year ends with the opposite conclusion, she writes.

On the other hand, react more that the tribunal would take out the three packs reviewed:

the Way I see it breaks this with The ulveforlik in several ways. Ulveforliket to be conflict-dampening, this is not the calming of the conflict. This is going to be trouble, ” says progress party politician Morten Ørsal Johansen representing the county of Oppland, norway at the Norwegian Parliament.

He goes so far as to require an amendment, if the government feels it needed to meet the bestandsmålet in ulveforliket.

– Elvestuen go into lovparagrafer, but if lovparagrafen stands in the way of Parliament’s intention, then it is his damned duty to come back with a bill to the Parliament. We do not play here in Parliament. What we have adopted, there is a wide majority that endorses and it is abundantly clear, ” says Frp politician.

– Want to click in the angle

He believes the decision will fall to the locals, hard for the heart.

I think those who live in the area going to click in the angle. It is a mockery against those who live in the area of the site and a mockery of the parliament. Elvestuen can think what he will about the wolf, but the parliament has adopted this, then it shall be followed, as simple as that, ” he says.

– well This is something the progress party and the Right have an agreement to rally behind?

It seems so, but I must say that they have a narrow gangsyn here. They are surely agreed about this, but to believe that this is konflitkdempende, it is not.

Frp-politician will not let you lie and to have a meeting with the other conservative party politicians in Parliament very soon.

We do not accept this, then we’ll see how we do it. It is clear it will be a challenge. We do not give in on this, we have voters to take into account, and also a storting. We can not drop.

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– we are not satisfied with, ” says Knut Arne Gjems, leader of Norges Jeger – og Fiskerforbund.

– The Norwegian part of the scandinavian wolf population is now well over the Storting adopted bestandsmål, which is 4-6 annual ulvekull to be born in Norway and grenserevir each year. In the last year, it was documented 10,5 coal in Norway. 8,5 giving birth after the withdrawal. Thus, well over bestandsmålet, ” he says.

To Dagbladet, he says that now they can get to put in the new demonstration, as they did then Vidar Helgesen was miljøminister.

Also the centre party responds. –

– This is about people’s lives. People find their livestock ripped to shreds. It goes beyond those engaged with hunting, goes on a trip and live close to nature. But it seems it is not that the government cares about at all. There is a tremendous arrogance towards the people, says Trygve Slagsvold Vedum in a press release.