The “extended ålförbud waiting in the EU”

“All eel fishing in EU waters shall be stopped during three months next year, if the EUROPEAN commission gets what it wants.”

“Now covered also småålarna – the elver – of förbudsplanerna.”

“After that in the last year have agreed on a tremånadersstopp for eel fishing in the Baltic sea, the North sea and the Atlantic ocean, is the idea that the EU fisheries ministers will now go a couple steps further.”

“Ahead of Monday’s meeting in Brussels, the idea is to tremånadersförbudet shall apply in all EU waters, and for eels of all ages and sizes, including the so-called glasålsstadiet when the young eels have not yet been longer than twelve centimeters.”

“Sweden belongs to the” push.”

” We have for a long time been working to influence the commission and other countries to move in a more pan-european direction. I think we have succeeded very well. This is a way to actually be able to save the eel, which is in a very serious condition, ” says minister of rural affairs Sven-Erik Bucht (S).”

“Sweden also tried last year to get through it, as now proposed, but then had to give in.”

“– There are some countries that do not look so favorably on it. But I really hope that a majority has a different opinion. This is a huge step in the right direction, ” says Bucht in Brussels.”

“Måndagsmötet learn – in the usual way – pull out in time then a wide variety of other fishing quotas in the Atlantic and the North sea should be endorsed by the ministers.”