It is commonly believed among professionals that any form of open and honest communication about sex is an absolute good. But actually, there is not much research that has examined how it hangs together.

But a new u.s. study of 617 women, suggest that women who are talking with girlfriends about sex, have better sexual self-esteem.

Katrina L. Pariera from the George Washington University, explains what her thoughts behind the study was:

– A big part of our sexpositive language is all about encouraging women to be more sexual. So I would examine how to talk with girlfriends about sex can hang together with different sexholdninger and sexual behavior – to see if there is only positive things or also some negative.

the Study shows that women speak with friends about sex in two main ways, an expressive and an instrumental.

The expressive: Women, who said that a friend had been supportive and provided positive comments, when they talked about sex, have a tendency to have greater confidence in their decisions about sexadfærd, such as asking a partner if she will do something else in the bed, or ask him to get tested for stds.

And this form of sexual communication were also associated with greater sexual self-esteem: That you think is good in bed, that you are comfortable with yourself as a sexual being. Know his desires and his body. And not afraid to show it.

The second form of sexkommunikation was the instrumental, such as to give and receive advice on how to have better sex, more technical conversations. The shape hangs, apparently not together with better sexual self-esteem and faith in own decisions in sexual context. But it was a marker of a greater knowledge about safe sex.

Now it is not an american and the scientific study of sex, without that there are also problems:

None of sexsamtaleformerne hung together to practice safe sex. And both forms of communication was associated with, that you believed other women were more positive about unsafe sex.

– When we talk about sex, we teach each other things and solves problems, but perhaps we could also increase the pressure and influence norms around sex. So it is not just that we need to communicate more, we also need to communicate better, says Katrina L. Pariera.

Sexperterne – 13. jun. 2016 – pm. 22:31 How to strengthen your sexual self-confidence

Sexologist and therapist Signe V. Bentzen has previously told how the woman can learn how to enhance his sexual self-esteem. And it is not only through conversations with friends:

‘Sexual self-confidence trades most of all to be comfortable with themselves as sexual being. One can only be confident about what you know. Therefore, it is not just ’talk’, when sexologists goes on and on and on with the mantra: ‘Girls and women must remember to masturbating throughout their lives.’

If you leave it up to your partner to do it all and only be active with your body, so the processes you quite simple, not the knowledge and the confidence in yourself, your body or your desire, which is the key component in the sexual self-confidence.

You will have to work to achieve the sexual self-confidence. In the first place on your own. But also in the cooperation with your partner. It is not to cooperate just to lie passive and take (and often be a little small-unhappy with the partner delivers).

You must practice in order to communicate: ‘It is nice, not so hard, oh do smaller movements.’

Or to display to the right with the sounds, the hands may need to be moved to parts of the body which also need attention and the body moved a little. Or you can demonstrate it by self to fondle for yourself, as you like it.

It is thus, that you begin to take your own sexuality serious. You are a sexual being – whether you want it or not.

Kiss & love – 21. jan. 2018 – at. 23:31 Sex and conversations: Here are two ways to save your relationship

What happens if you dare to list a hand down and keep on your sex every night when you sleep? You have the law. Vaginaen, vulvaen, pussy, fissen is your. You can actually do with it and your body exactly as YOU want. You should practice thinking about it. Practice to demonstrate the thought, the power for yourself; that you must and you dry.

Cupping (to keep on your gender) is a good way to approach themselves. You can lie back and just feel the heat or the cold from your hand. You can play with to shift the attention, it is your hand that senses and experiencing what it can feel against the palm of the hand and then shift the attention, so it is your vulva, experiencing your hand. It is two very different experiences to be hand or be vulva.

you should Practice to feel and look at your gender. Find a good magnifying mirror and take a daily look at yourself, when you’ve been in the bath. Just 30 seconds. It you have time for. Get used to make a pair of soft knibeøvelser after you have peed and dried for you, while you just think of how it feels and looks.

The more attention you give one area of your life, the more you discover about yourself, the greater the knowledge and confidence you will get. So that must be invested both time and effort if it is to move. So important is it not? Yes it can you believe that it is!’