Mr Türk, you are considered to be the architect of the new Global Pact for refugees. Since 1951, there is the Geneva Convention on refugees. Why the world needs now the Global refugee Pact?

Since 2011, we observe figures of a dramatic increase in the Refugee. The many conflicts such as in Syria or Sudan, are driving more and more people in the escape. There are now nearly 70 million men, women and children. Never since the Second world war, there were more people who have fled violence, conflict and oppression. We see us with a global crisis. The 1951 Geneva refugee Convention regulates the rights of refugees and the obligations of the States. The new Pact is to distribute the responsibility and burden.

you Can combine the concrete?

a Lot of people on the run have found in the poor and desperately poor countries. These countries, such as Jordan or Uganda often do not have the necessary financial means to provide for the refugees. Here is the new Pact kicks in. The Pact is intended to ensure that the countries that can afford it, weak host countries more help. As a result, we want to take the pressure of the enormously affected States and thus the international System more stable. From 2019, the Pact, will it it all four years of a Global refugee forum. On the Forum, the countries should make concrete financial, material, or political Commitments.

the Commitments voluntarily?

Yes. The Commitments will be voluntary. We hope, of course, the generosity of the States and global solidarity.

How do you explain to the taxpayers in Europe to the global solidarity pay more?

The help for the refugees in the host countries of the South is in the interests of the rich countries in the North. If the refugees are well-supplied, you have to draw, no Motivation to continue. When Syrian youth in Turkey, a good education, then you can build up to a return to Syria again.

you also hope that rich countries take in refugees permanently?

Yes, that is also a target of the Pact. We encourage countries, particularly the weak and vulnerable refugees, such as single mothers and children. These resettlement programmes are based on voluntary participation.

the States Undertake by accession to the Pact to a recording of refugees?

no. You do not oblige.

More about

UN migration Pact Migration, refugees

Andrea Dernbach

Volker Türk is assistant UN high Commissioner for refugees. The Austrian Jurist has formulated the Pact with the UN member States today, this Monday will want to decide on.