woman Passin, you are regularly in Breitscheidplatz-the investigative Committee in the house of representatives. How is your balance sheet?

they are very careful in the enlightenment. With the time I have been the rules commonly behind such a Committee. I have the impression that the Committee works very closely with each other. I have spoken with the groups individually and tell them what is to me as a member is important.

What is important to you?

My main interest is the Day on 19. December. What is about to happen? Why has it taken so long until a terrorist situation is declared? It takes a while but still, because of the timetable of the Committee provides for this focus later. For us members this is unfortunate. We can never complete.

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What questions are not yet clarified?

For me, were the interviews with the LKA-heads Steiof, the former police Commissioner Kandt and Frank Henkel important, because I wanted to hear, who had the political responsibility. I wanted to listen to these people. I’m not stumbled upon the fact that the Committee has the task of the “debt capacity of an Individual” to clarify. That should be the purpose of the Committee. I want to know who has wrong acts.

And what is your perception?

head of unit and LKA officials are, for me, smaller wheels in the machinery. I would like to know what had disposed persons in positions of leadership. Since many questions are still open. It was to be expected in 2015 after the attacks in France, and that Germany could be of terrorist attacks may be affected. It was only the question of when it will pop here as well. To me, it is not clear why it was not as well prepared, if, in fact, a terrorist-entry event. The sequence of the competencies must be clarified. The terrorist situation has been caused in Berlin just four hours after the attack. Since the statement of the LKA-heads Steiof was very important for me: He said for him the event had looked on the Breitscheidplatz, very quickly, like a stroke.

LKA-chief Steiof has written in a Pause, directly to you, and you are excused. How important this gesture was?

It had apologized before, a LKA-head of unit at me and offered his condolences. As a first encounter this is a nice gesture. Pays you the members the necessary respect, and respect for, what is suffered by relatives of the victims. Even though it’s been almost two years, has this gesture been a very high priority. Because you see that someone is also human. I had missed Mr. Kandt. And the former Berlin state protection boss Jutta Porzucek has not convinced me with your kind, you Regret reading. You build in such appearances is automatically an Aversion.

Video 19.12.2017, 14:28 Uhr01:15 Min.Berlin commemorates the victims of the Christmas market attack,

I understand that the security authorities were overloaded. But nevertheless, the policy is responsible for these shortcomings and anti-terrorism measures earlier. And not only then, when it happened.

did you receive after the terrorist attack, in which her father was killed, sufficient the help of the state?

We had the impression that all after the attack is still in the Christmas mode. The victim officer Roland Weber was the First who offered help in January 2017. The girlfriend of my dad’s had given me the note. Only by reporting in the media, many of those Affected did can apply wherever you. As a pair, one is unable to cope with this Situation only once. For me, the worst part was, as I teach my then nine-year-old daughter that the Opi was killed in such a brutal way.

How did you do it?

to come The next Morning after the attack and I immediately alerted my family, and asked it quickly to Berlin. At the same time a friend with me who had worked to help in the social-psychiatric service. These employees seemed overwhelmed and I can’t help. They seemed young and inexperienced. I sent them away again. Then I picked up my Little one from school and had me hold it together, to show my own emotions now. We have to make with the family sitting together and gently my Little one on the messages from the previous day, she had heard. We have it in a playful way about your guitar playing. We have told her the truth. And then she walked out of the room and has started painting in her room. They immediately painted a black cross.

Before the big memorial event, a year ago you said it was long overdue to receive recognition. How are you today, shortly before the second anniversary?

We did not know at the time what happened. I didn’t even know whether my father is really dead. Somehow you still hope to be scooped, he could maybe be in a hospital. This has caused me the greatest anger on the policy. The first official condolence letter I have received from the Federal Minister Heiko Maas. But it was much too late. The policy has had on the 20. December in the memorial Church and the dead mourned. We were not able to reproduce the nationals. We were not invited. Many of us did not know at this time that the members of the family is deceased.

when did you speak for the first time with the policy?

Previously, in the February 2017 Meeting at the Bellevue Palace with German President Gauck. For us, it had the right shape. I had received from the mayor an invitation to the Red town hall. That was in April 2017. But I do not get the opportunity to speak. There, the politician languages. I had, on all official occasions the feeling that one should not speak, should not engage in any criticism. But I wanted to Express myself. I’m also quite taken at the end of the event with Mr. Müller. And I had a long talk with the state Secretary Akmann. After that, there was also a lot of correspondence and several Meetings with him. This table situation as at the town hall in the Chancellery with Angela Merkel. Why is the policy for such occasions in the first row and puts in front of us wreaths? This is a completely wrong dealing with Victims and relatives of Terror. We are the ones who have to stand up in and may. There are our dead, we mourn.

With what feelings you wait for the second anniversary of the attack?

here, Too, the policy power requirements. In a letter of the victims ‘ Commissioner Franke explained that there is a wreath-laying ceremony that the memorial Church is the whole day open and we will have the opportunity to mourn there. And then, there used to be that the travel costs can not be applied. The back takes a once again. Due to the criticism but it will be “pragmatic, individual solutions.” But first, we must ask once again a question. Why don’t the authorities?

More about

Terror on the Breitscheidplatz in Berlin, The case of anise Amri – an inventory

Sabine Beikler Maria Fiedler

The conversation Sabine Beikler.