“This week’s pictures: Double bröllopslycka, tough Leaves and a genuine daredevil”

“In Vemdalen married american tv star with his fotbollsprofil and in Sao Paulo in Brazil included two loving marriage – before it is too late.”

“It’s just a couple of hints in this week’s bildsvep, in Sweden and around the world.”

“REJECTED, DENIED AND OVERRULED No, there was no government in Sweden this week either. After tough negotiations in the last weekend, it was clear that the Centre party would say no to the Socialists ‘ bids, and thus fell a possible alliance of blockgränserna. But the struggles of Stefan Löfven did not stop there. On Wednesday, voted the parliament also through the Conservatives and the christian democrat’s draft budget – and on Friday said the no to the to let the S-leader to lead a new government. Three months after the elections, the continuing chaos in Swedish politics.”

“HE EVEN DARE being Chased by a giant wave rider surfer Sebastian Steudtner towards the Praia do Norte beach in the Portuguese town of Nazare. Of the seabed and the design allows the waves are extra high in the area and it was also here that Garrett McNamara in november 2011, flew up on a rekordvåg measured to the whole of 23,8 meters.”

“HURRY TO the ALTAR, Launa Hansen, 37, and Glaucia Figueiredo, 29, chose to get married in a massvigsel for same-sex couples in Sao Paulo, Brazil, at the weekend. The couple have been together for two years and decided to marry after the högerextreme Jair Bolsonaro’s victory in the presidential elections at the end of October. ”Here, we combine love with the revolution. We don’t know what Bolsonaro can do to limit our rights”, said the nyvigda at the ceremony.”

“IT IS SOON CHRISTMAS … Despite the fact that three people were shot dead and 13 wounded in a terrorist attack on a christmas market in the French Strasbourg on Tuesday was the preparations for the upcoming holiday period in full swing on Saturday. However, the seriousness is noticeable yet clear among the visitors, when heavily armed police have strengthened their presence among the market stalls at the city’s cathedral. The suspected shooter, 29-year-old Cherif Chekatt, was killed after a gunfight with police two days after the ”

“a WEDDING IN VINTERIDYLLEN Tv personality Carina Berg, 41, has received its Erik Johansson, 29. On Saturday, they said yes to each other surrounded by a sparkling winter wonderland in Vemdalen kyrka. The ceremony took around half an hour and afterwards poured his companions out on the church square, where they welcomed the newlyweds to the sounds of violin playing and threw red rose petals. The bride and groom were united in a kiss – Carina wearing a long, off-white, embroidered or crocheted dress and pälskappa and Erik in plaid, navy blue suit, black bow tie, hat and dark coat with pälskantad collar. The pair announced their relationship as recently as a year ago and in april they got engaged.”

“UPPRORSVINDEN HAVE TURNED the protest movement Yellow vests gathered in central Paris and elsewhere in France for a fifth weekend of demonstrations. But the protesters were far fewer than in previous protests, some 2 200 participants in Paris during the day and about 66 000 in the whole country.”

“– It is a bit disappointing. We expected more people, but the movement will continue, ” said the 49-year-old worker, Francis Nicolas in the city of Lyon, according to TT.”

“When last Saturday, have been summarised and stated the department to approximately 125 000 participated in the whole of France, about 10,000 in Paris.”

“BESIEGED FROM ALL sides, the British prime minister, Theresa May had an extra heavy week – both at home and in the EU. For a while she had to deal with, and ultimately win, a vote of confidence in the Conservative party so cut she is at home in the Uk, the outcome of the negotiations which have been conducted with the other EU leaders regarding a brexitavtal. Here greet her on her Dutch premiärministerkollega Mark Rutte at the arrival to the Hague on Tuesday.”