There was once a great love. And she was also a very loyal. Her diamond jubilee has you behind, the love of the German to the car. She began in the years of the economic miracle, for decades, no price was too high. That it’s crumbling in the last few years, more and more people are opposed to noise, smell and traffic congestion rebel, Cycling and public transport and walk: so Far, this has not led politically to change course. The Federal transport infrastructure plan is the largest and yet the least discussed investment budget in the country, more countryside disappears rapidly under the concrete for highways and Bypasses.

It’s like in some old marriages: The love is already longer glows, but you stay together because after the long time, any imagination for this one off, as a life without each other could look like.

love the cabbage penetrates black reality

“Dead love”, it is said, with a cautious question mark behind it, the very informative book written by an author and three authors on the fatal and especially German love affair with the automobile. A historical Thriller. Weert Canzler, Andreas Knie, Lisa Ruhrort and Christian Scherf, who all work at the science centre Berlin for social research, or have worked, in how to us the “amour fou” met for the Holy plate. Not as the arrow, out of the blue. A society in which free citizens, especially on the freedom of travel, as defined, was a result of political decisions, the essential more than a hundred years old. And in the minds of the people behind the wheel she was from the beginning an emotional thing. What is so justified with necessity – you would of course change, but as a Commuter, and I’m standing in a traffic jam, but I am, regardless of timetables – is anchored in reality, in the heart not in the brain. The car did not catch on as a vehicle, but as a fashion accessory, first of all it was a piece of sports equipment – in the car was a race to the car, and later on in the holiday, not to work.

According to difficult it has the cabbage black reality from fine dust, lack of Parking places, and diesel fraud against the old dream that outshines you. The prevailing conditions were established as naturally given “in the minds”, referring to the scientists. Also you say although approaches to the transition from the bike people desire up to the car-free City, but in London and Madrid, in Munich and Berlin. A soon-to-be turns, but unlikely, and rely on the long-term effects of new mobility and niche experiments.

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The next dependency is already

While we are likely to bite so in the medium to long term the consequences of this ancient and terrible love, which is lived against all reason, we are already in the middle of the next big technology, which is likely to be terrible. Because again it deals only with the part of the mind and attacks us, especially to the heart. Our mobile phones, Tablets, Netbooks occupy our time and our Thinking even more than the car, the recent findings indicate that, in the meantime, anyway, on average, 23 hours of the day. The mobile devices seem to be the car as a status symbol, especially among Younger replace. For the driver’s license to 18. Birthday no longer a Must.

And how’s in Love with crazy: The mind has no more to report. How else can you explain that we feed with our money and our data monopolies of fat, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, the curls start with dumping prices, or the eternal free promise, of which each and everyone can know that the lies are. Why we don’t care who can read our life – Yes, still, despite a European General data protection regulation? And Surfing a driving test this time is not even necessary.

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Federal transport infrastructure plan Missed opportunity

Dagmar Dehmer

And again, the government stands ready to be helpful to cement the addiction. The much-praised digital Pact is to rinse the Hardware in the schools, which needed to be quite different: More and a good staff, and teaching that teaches children critical approach to the devices that you plug already in the satchel. In order to avoid structures that are taken for given in the short or long nature and us dominate you instead of we. If we are to survive as Smog and concrete, the heritage of our last crazy love.