now Listen young people. With risk to sound like the old fogy on the road to be I’ll tell you about some of the experiences.

house prices will not rise forever.

the interest Rate will not always be so low as now.

the Stock market will not always rise.

this sounds perhaps strange, and it is here that the story in the Bible’s genesis, 41 chapter comes in. The story in short: there will be seven good years and seven hungersår in Egypt. So it comes to collect in the barns during the good years to cope with the seven difficult years.

Admittedly, needed the egyptians at the time not to worry about the Riksbank’s repo rate, but you can actually draw the parallel with the seven good years to today’s housing market.

You can actually draw the parallel with the seven good years to today’s housing market

this is where we are now. Financially it has really been seven good years for those who own a home and have margins enough to save money.

2012 was the bank SBAB’s tvåårsränta around 4.5 per cent. Ago, it has steadily dropped to today’s average interest rates at 1.54 percent. It involves many beauteous a lot of money in reduced interest expense for those with large mortgages.

at the same time, housing prices have stubbornly risen. Since 2012, for example, have the prices of the condominiums in the county of Stockholm have gone up by more than 60 percent, according to Svensk Mäklarstatistik.

Not only that. For seven years, the stock exchange’s broad index has risen by almost 80 percent. Those who saved in the funds have received a substantial growth in their accounts.

Here, we’re talking seven good years by far.

some have certainly filled the barns and amortized in the mortgage, or saved in any other way. But many have also taken the opportunity to consume a part of the capital released.

with seven difficult years. If this no one knows. But most analysts agree that mortgage rates will rise in the future. For those who are new to the housing market, it can be an unpleasant surprise that interest rates can actually go up.

Read more: Experts: So you’re thinking about boräntan

Higher interest rates also puts pressure on housing prices. The exchange has also been worried the last time. That it will go down in seven years is hopefully not likely. But the sharp rise has been in recent years would continue, you should definitely not expect.

Of this, you learn that it can be good to have some saved up to cope with the tougher times. The bible was right in this case.

Read also: Here are the banks ‘ real interest rate