“Christmas eve for inquiring minds”
“Some critics spreading the word about books to put under the christmas tree”
“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”
“Göran Therborns the Capital, the authorities and all of us (Archive) is the most terrible projectile shooting against the neoliberal powers that have seized power in the Swedish class society. This old academics is full of well-founded vänsterpopulistisk anger against the rampant inequality. A lot of this is based on the Catalysis klassrapporter, as he had been with and led the work, with, however, Therborn takes it one step further.”
“SLEEP Sömnforskaren Matthew Walker notes in Sömngåtan (Harpercollins) to people today sleeping far too little and that it destroys our lives and communities. Lack of sleep is one of the major public health problems. He takes the battle against alarm clocks and against early skolmorgnar, celebrates the creativity that comes out of our dreamy and reject all the moralizing over the sleepy teenagers. So slept! Dream! The book, built on extensive research, get you to wake up.”
“the CULTIVATION Philipp Weiss and Annevi Sjöberg mastodont forest garden (private publishing) takes an autumn to read, so thick is it. The idea of forest gardening, which only has a few decades on the back of the neck, is to imitate natural ecosystems rather than to keep life in discounts in gräsmatteöknar. Understand that nature is not like the bar earth! Imagine a dense forest and, even better, the sunlit edge of the forest when you grow! Realize that most things you grow in your common garden, go to eat! This book is a great mossbelupen stone at home with me and I sometimes even patting it a bit when I go past.”
“the AUTOBIOGRAPHY of childhood memories in all it’s glory, really fantastic becomes the House with the two towers (Weyler) when Maciej Zaremba after around a hundred pages directed towards their parents. He tells how his jewish mother miraculously and under severe hardships, survived the second world war, while his noble father brought a comfortable existence in one of the Wehrmacht’s special prison camp for officers. The son reflects their lives and personalities in Polish history. The result is strong touching. “
“the ESSAY With a light hand and quite heavy mind explores Malin Lindroth position as a solitary woman in our society’s social hierarchy. Nuckan (Norstedts) is not a complete book, but the twists and turns on the notions of solitude and highlights the experiences that have too long been relegated to the shadow.”
“STÄDSTUDIE right when I finished reading the Time to clean up (Harpercollins), I put in the time to scrub the floors at home. So marvelous inspiring it is when Fanny Ambjörnsson let people dwell on their städångest and put the women’s ”sense of shit” in a historical context.”
“LONDON LOVE Gunnar Pettersson has lived in London for almost 50 years and feel the city’s soul. London – a tale of a city (Nature & culture) is an urban love story with elements of politics and sports, music and commerce. And the shocking facts, that the british are drinking daily, 158 million cups of tea brewed in the tea bags. All reported with sublime make.”
“POETPORTRÄTT Gunnar Björling gave poetry a whole new dimension. He blew up syntaxens boundaries and shocked the literary present. Fredrik Hertzberg has turned on all of the papers in the archives and do a full-length portrait of finland-Swedish modernism legendary figure in the ”My language is not in words” – Gunnar Björling’s life and works (Call publisher). “
“EMBROIDERY Embroidery is an art that deserves to be brought out. In English embroidery (Bonnier fakta) learn Karin Holmberg all about delsbosöm, hallandssöm and wool embroidery. Karin Björkquists photos adds to the experience of a textile craft when it is at its most beautiful.”
“WOLF, I have long had a good eye to Lars Berge, his articles in the now-asleep Arena and the further back his chronicles in the Swedish newspaper svenska Dagbladet. Always readable and knowledgeable. Vargattacken (Albert Bonniers förlag), who came in the spring is a truly thought out documentary-style book that starts from the tragedy in Kolmården, then a vargskötare was killed by the wolves she had known since they were newborns. Berge follows the trial and the tangles of life unravel themselves back to how the wolf could be perceived as a pet in the zoo.”
“ESSAY It hit like a small bomb just before the summer: Malin Lindroths Nuckan (Norstedts). A celebrated author’s return, with something so nakedly and deep at the mercy of a description of the loneliness in tvåsamhetsnormens society. To reclaima nucka as the label might not have gone, yet, but it will be set to the smallest comma, well-written essay turns and twists on a livstillstånd that has so far gone under the radar.”
“ARCHITECTURE IN the fall received Arkitekturupproret undeserved, huge media space for a referendum on Sweden’s ugliest city. The focus of the rebellion stands above all betongarkitektur and miljonprogram. Especially for the rebellious members, I would therefore recommend that Sweden Brutal Architecture with attitude during the 60s and 70s, by Martin Rörby and Tove Falk Olsson (Max Power). An educational introduction to an often arcane and oinställsam architecture. “
“COMPOSED in 1919, it has been a hundred years ago the word ”jazz” first appeared in an american journal. The Swedish newspaper svenska Dagbladet, was worried negerkapellens rampage and 16-year-old Alice Babs was called a ”slut”. In the blue tones (Carlsson) writes Göran Jonsson the Swedish jazz history with the contemporary look, which among other things means that women may take place. “
“RESTAURANGHISTORIA From tavern to tavern (Nature & Culture) by Håkan Jönsson and Richard tellström inga is an equally thorough and entertaining story about the swedes krogvanor then Magnus Eriksson in 1335, forcing the recalcitrant peasants to open taverns.”
“the art of living is Known as the rebellious work and ownership all the hardships. The wind, the rain and the birds, especially the birds. An old love take their life and a new passion wither away. Weekdays (W&W) named Ulf lundell’s masterfully composed a handbook in the art. Read it now – you are there faster than you think.”
“MOTSTÅNDSMAN the Author may be one of my best friends, but I can’t overlook Jens Liljestrands biography of the Man in the woods, on Vilhelm Moberg. Here are the sturske member of the resistance both the depth and grooves, while Moberg’s authorship and the act brought to life again. It is needed in our new ofrihetstid!”
“that mountain of debt Nomi Prins Collusion (Public affairs) is about how the central banks in the 2000s to become our most important global powers by the gigantic stimulus programs that mostly benefited the very richest, and made the world more unstable. The book is not so funny, but it is also not our indebted future.”
“life in the city we need to relax too, and why not in the company of Håkan Jönsson and Richard Tellströms solid standard works of the swedes uteätande? A story that gets more fun out of that finicky restrictions often made it right boring. From tavern to tavern notes in the introduction to most academic research has been written about Swedish restaurants are collated under the ”other social problems”.”
“the PATRIARCHY Antikhistorikern Mary Beard describes in Women and power – a manifest (Norstedts) how the patriarchal power designed and has been practiced from antiquity to the Metoo. Never moralising or indignantly. She responds to the question of how order has been maintained, and how it can be broken. This year’s book.”
“the literary history OF the Man in the woods. A biography of Vilhelm Moberg (Albert Bonniers) capable of Jens Liljestrand at once to portray the depressive self Vilhelm Moberg and depict the time that shaped his writing. A rättshaverist often wrote a shimmering prose.”
“the CLIMATE We live in antropocens period; the people create the conditions for life and leave a devastating imprint for the future. Staffan Laestadius analyses in the Climate & conversion (Bromea) emanate from the natural sciences, philosophy, economics and politics. He avoids the joyous apocalypse; he says softly and pedagogically how a new world must be built.”
“Swedish non-fiction has celebrated the triumphs of the year, but there are also Norwegian. “
“the LITERATURE of Ane Farsethås essay Grensverdier (Cappelen Damm), examines how sanningsbegreppet used as a literary method of ten writers and journalists, including Svetlana Aleksijevitj, Gay Talese and Édouard Louis. Unceasingly, thought-provoking for all who want to portray the reality. “
“the SOCIETY OF the Norwegian-american story of Freedom mødre (October pr) wonder Magnus E Marsdal about the left’s weakness is because it cannot handle the vast resource of. Ideology and empiricism in an educational record as any leftist should read. “
“the HISTORY of Marte Michelet continues to shake up the historiography. Husqvarna knew hjemmefronten? (Gyldendal) delves further into the Norwegian extermination, and the leave is neither reader or facklärd indifferent.”
“SOCIOLOGY Turned 68-generation the coat after the wind and conquered mount parnassus? Rarely. It shows the French researchers in the Changer le monde, changer sa vie (Actes Sud), where they interviewed hundreds of gräsrotsaktivister. They are faithful to their ideals and often had to pay with ruined careers for their commitment. But the fight gave their life meaning. The other day I read that some of them now wear yellow vests. “
“ESSAY Hynek Pallas turns into the Ex. (Atlas) the swedes to the blessed mixture we long been. It is not more Swedish with the ancestors at the shore of lake Vänern than with grandma in the World. With verserad tonnes, a personal story about ”integration” and the cape directed against the nationalists, dissolving the Pallas the division that the political establishment wants to consolidate.”
“the DOCUMENTATION They are called such things as the location, the staff, Anna and Petruska, they were volunteers, municipal employees and police officers, and they created Sweden’s proudest moments, when they received the refugees in Malmö 2015. Arrival in Malmö (Malmö city archive) is a story about the humanity that makes a society work.”