“Three Crowns ended with the victory of the”

“Turned against the Czech republic – Michael Lindqvist hero when Sweden sagging sistaplatsen”

“Then bounced Three Crowns back. “

“the Team turned around and won against the Czech republic in the Channel One Cup on Sunday. “

“Three Crowns have started the upload for the spring hockey world CUP by participating in fyrnationsturneringen the Channel One Cup in Russia in a week. “

“But the responses has been lacking. “

“Sweden lost the premiere against Russia after penalties in last Thursday and yesterday, Saturday, lost to 2-0 to the loss of 2-3 against Finland. “

” I am jättebesviken. We beat ourselves a little bit, ” said coach Rikard Grönborg afterwards. “

“But Three Crowns were plasters on the wounds. “

“On Sunday expected the Czech republic in the final game, and which turned an 0-2-behind and win 3-2. Horse Michael Lindqvist, who scored his first goal against Finland yesterday, became the hero when he shoved segermålet with just over three minutes remaining of the third period. “

“– Cruelly good to win, ” says Timrås Anton Wedin in C More. “

“‘Very the not known on the””

“Even Rikard Grönborg was relieved. “

“– once Again a tight match, and today we succeeded. There are a lot of things happening out there that these guys were not known before, so it’s just fun to win, says the coach. “

“– at the same time, you must live in the process and the process for me is to get the guys in these situations so that they learn how it is, ” he continues. “

“C More: Over the whole tournament, what are your impressions? “

“– It is positive. Last tournament, we fell a little bit in the second and third match and we did not do this. First two matches we had a great chance of winning and should have closed the door, and we did today. “