In mid-november put Henrik Neble Svendsen and Morten Bristorn typically a weekend to put julelyset up on villavejen in Greve in chianti.

The 2 neighbours have not completely mastered, how many LED bulbs that lights up, when power to the decoration, but Henrik estimates that somewhere between 17,000 and 20,000 new pieces enough to form the large julelysshow.

10 tips on outdoor christmas lights and light strings
Photo: Torben Klint
Ignition of julelysshow is celebrated with less vejfest
the Tradition started 5 years ago, and with the passage of time is julelyset been a bit of an event. Not only has the genboerne been a part of other residents on the villavejen in the Count to put the flares on decembermørket with own installations.

But it is marked also with a special lystænding, when power to the many thousands of christmas lights.

– I will shoot at that 60 to 70 neighbors, friends and family members showed up last, when we fired up under the lights for the first time on a Sunday afternoon in november, says Henrik Neble Svendsen.

the story was also consumed 600 fritters, 10 liters of mulled wine and a few buckets of candy. the
Photo: Torben Klint
christmas Lights switch on automatically
– People are enjoying themselves tremendously on the day, which both serve to tie the neighbourhood a little better together and as a kind of compensation for that we are flashing into people’s windows a whole month in a row, he laughs.

The 2 lysglade neighbours have got an electrician to put in an extra group on each of their electrical panels, as well as drawn the dedicated outdoor cables and connectors to the lights. Both for safety’s sake, and because it simply makes it easier to put julelysene up.

– We have also put the clock on the lights so they turn on automatically in the period 6-8 and 16-22, as well as on the call, when the neighbors having guests and want to show the lights above, adds Henrik Neble Svendsen. the
Photo: Torben Klint
also Read: 9 tips to avoid fire in the christmas

In this section using genboerne each approx. 40 kr. daily to keep the lights on in the almost 40 days, that is current on the installation – ie. approx. 1.600 kr. in total for the whole period.

– It is of course also a kind of money, but on the other hand, we have the great pleasure of the light. And it has children, the neighbors and passers-by also, says Henrik Neble Svendsen.

– in Fact, it comes that so many stopped by to see the lights, that both our and the neighbors ‘ houses actually under constant supervision in december. So I wonder if tyveknægtene choose a different path to ravage instead, he hopes.

How do you get the christmas tree to stand PERFECTLY straight.

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Bolius – the Homeowners ‘ knowledge Centre is owned by Realdania.

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