A woman in the 30-years was on Wednesday arrested and charged with gross kroppsskade death, reports oil and gas Post. Friday afternoon it was decided that persons charged with varetektsfengsles in four weeks. It comes in a ruling from the Tønsberg district court.

A 52-year-old woman died a few weeks ago in Larvik, but before it was the woman with the police to report a voldshendelse that the police believe led to the death.

She came here and told us that she had been pushed over the railing of the veranda in her home, on the second floor. She showed off the bruises on the hip and thighs, says Knut Vidar Vittersø, kriminalsjef at Larvik police station, to the Newspaper.


the Review was submitted 21. november. A few days later, was the woman admitted to the hospital, where she died after a few days. The body was sent to autopsy.

We were notified about the death, and connected it to the review. This gave us information about the obdusenten, ” says Vittersø.

When the autopsy report was confirmed that the 52-year-old had died of head injuries consistent with a fall from the second floor. Because the deceased had himself pointed out the younger the woman when she reported the incident, turned the police up on bopelen her on Wednesday and caught her.

the Arrest happened without much ado, ” says etterforskningslederen.

INVESTIGATION: It is politihuset in Larvik investigating the death. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Scanpix Show more Refuses to blame

the Woman’s defender Jon Anders Hasle says that she refuses straffskyld.

– She sets rejected the charges, Hasle says to Dagbladet.

the Lawyer tells him that he was connected in the case Wednesday, when the woman was apprehended. He confirms that both of the two involved come from an environment in Larvik characterized by the substance abuse and crime, but will otherwise not go into detail about what the client has outlined in the questioning, or other information from the investigation.

Now I must let the police get to investigate, ” he says.

Asks for tips

Meanwhile the woman sits in custody continues the technical and tactical investigation; among other things, the crime scene was ransacked, informs the politioverbetjent Vittersø.

We are asking people who may have relevant information, to make contact with us, ” he says.