For no less than 5.8 million Swiss francs, the Association of Islamic cultural centres (Vikz) has bought a three-storey property in the Basel suburb of Binningen. The spacious building is to be converted into a so-called cultural center. There are also two prayer rooms were planned, in which, among other things, the Friday prayer is held. In fact, it is a mosque, rooms for training and a boarding school was added.

The sexes should be separated at the cultural center are strict, and girls and boys from the age of about five years, as in the application for planning permission is held. “Consequently, the rooms are all double. Also, the entrances, corridors and stairwells to and in buildings must be all separated,” said the paper.

student home for boys

In Switzerland there are an estimated 270 mosques – no one knows exactly. The least of them but have gender-separated entrances, but a separate prayer halls or where there is only one large room – a Zone behind the praying men, which is reserved for women. There, where the women are housed, and no visual contact with the Imam, the prayer and the sermon is transmitted via speaker.

In the vast majority of Muslim houses of worship, great girls and boys in kindergarten age, by the way carefree. A strict gender segregation from the age of five years is the absolute exception and can only be described as extreme.

The cultural center is also planned a boarding school for 20 boys from the Region. You should visit the public school and in home support in school subjects as well as lessons in Religion and Turkish culture, such as the ethnic Turkish Vikz-President Fehmi Yildiz explained.A corresponding request was deposited at the Department of Education of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft.

municipal Council filed a precautionary objection a

The Binninger the municipal Council for the construction of Vikz’s not on the Radar, and had filed only on the last day of the period, as a precaution objection. He was waiting now for the change of Purpose provides a detailed usage and operating concept, he writes in a statement. Regardless, he does not reject any Form of religious extremism and was not willing to provide associations of space, which rejected the values of liberal democracy and the rule of law.

That almost sounds a bit as if it could be in the planned mosque to be a place of indoctrination and radicalization. The Association is for an extremely conservative Islam’s interpretation, but with Jihad-ISM, and the like have nothing on the hat.

The German Vikz, which operates in contrast to his small Swiss equivalent of a very informative web site, practiced the Islam similar to the Sunni Sufi orders, the Nakschbandiya. These are originally from Central Asia. 14. Century they have spread, among other things, to the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East. Sufis represent the mystical and, often, a tolerant variant of Islam. The Nakschbandiya are known for their missionary aspirations, concentrating also heavily on children and young people.

“the main objective of Integration”

In Switzerland, the Vikz so far, 14 mosques and cultural centers as well as three student homes in the cantons of Zurich and Aargau. Eight of the mosques are in the possession of the Association.

where did the Vikz so much money? “We will receive not a cent from the Turkish state, and also from other countries,” stressed the President of the Association of Yildiz. “Our main sources are donations, members contributions, which vary according to merit, staggered between 20 francs and 200 francs per month, and revenue from the Bazaar occasions.”The Association is registered as an Association in the commercial register. The purpose is to Believe, among other things, the instruction in the Islamic and in Islamic doctrine, the preservation of Islamic cultural values and “moral protection of the people of the Islamic faith”. The main objective was to integrate the country people as well as possible, added Yildiz. How to make that work when girls and boys are separated in early and so strictly, remains a mystery.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 14.12.2018, 10:34 PM