“The disappointment on the climate summit: Bad and weak compromises,”

“KATOWICE. Ministers negotiated to at 03 on the night in Katowice. “

“the Results are now by both politicians and environmental organisations. “

“– the Draft is full of bad and weak compromises. There are words that say absolutely nothing, ” says EU parliamentarian and miljöpolitikern Thomas Waits.”

“Late the previous Thursday night, we presented a draft, which hopefully will land in an outcome document at the climate conference in Katowice. “

“Today, the text has been analyzed, and the negotiations will likely continue until late in the night, or later in the weekend. “

“Several of which Aftonbladet has talked to is, however, very disappointed in what negotiators and ministers have so far managed to achieve. “

“– the Draft is full of bad and weak compromises. There are words that say absolutely nothing, ” says Thomas Waits, miljöpolitiker and member of the EUROPEAN parliament from Austria. “

“the united states and Brazil ”filibustrar””

“He believes that the two countries threatened to withdraw from the climate treaty, Brazil and the united states, managed to ”filibustra” the whole process. “

“– the Compromises in the draft have been concluded only in order to be able to continue to have with these two countries, ” he says.”

“He points, inter alia, on the complexity of the technical issues is that one can subtract the emissions that you manage to tie in the forest and land. “

“– the Meaning of the compromise is that we will only successfully move forward with more ambitious goals if all the countries are. If Brazil and the united states is not on the train – then the rest of the world not. It is utterly ridiculous. We need countries that goes before – that the whole process stops because of the two countries. It is not democracy. “

“Means of the secretary-general Karin Lexén is also disappointed. “

“– We do not think that the document looks as good as it looks now, it made a lot. The EUROPEAN union must now fight a stronger document.”

“Countries need to do more.”

“She highlights among other things the financing. As the draft now is designed, it accepts, for example, that rich countries can count the loans to the poor as a part of the promised climate financing. But many poor countries will not have any opportunity to pay back. “

“Karin Lexén had also wanted to see a clear wording that the level of ambition must be raised, so the world has an opportunity to reach 1.5-gradersmålet. It is, inter alia, the question as Sweden’s klimatminister Isabella Lövin has worked with. “

“– The need for clear wording in the text of the decision on the revision of the national klimatplanerna to 2020, it is not found in this text, ” says Karin Lexén. “

“Lövin: much work Remains.”

“Isabella Lövin said that the draft is not yet enough, she is still positive that there is now a concrete text to work from. “

“– There remains still a great work before we are finished. We need clear rules for utsläppsrapportering so that there are no loopholes or double counting.”

“– It may be late and difficult negotiations, but I will continue to work for us to get such a good contract in place as possible. Climate change is not waiting for us and then we can’t postpone this important decision until next year.”