The taxi business is changing, and new drivers are always needed. Tribal Cac has not regretted the decision for a career change.Tribal cac’s in drive a cab, now part-time because she also works as a trainer Cabonline Academy, which trained new drivers Hard-and FixuTaxille. Inka Soveri / IL

In 2009, a Tribe Sertille was enough. 48-year-old entrepreneur had made the whole previous career working in the it industry, but in the middle of a recession, he felt that it was time for a change.

I Started to feel like a grandpa in those circles, when I was surrounded only by young people. Was it just ikärasismiakin, he told me.

circle of Friends are taxi entrepreneurs and drivers, which suggest the transition of the taxi business. Next summer Sertille full will ten years the carrier Kovanen employed.

I’ve always been a customer service work, so it half feels like your own. In addition, this work is freedom, in your turn, you can design pretty much himself, Cac describes.

on the morning of her fascination with a certain old-time charm and elegance. Drivers wear suits and drive black Mercedes. Certain manners belonging to the routine.

– the Client always opened the door, and her help with all the stuff. Also fleet and driver cleanliness is important. These things will also become the most positive feedback, the Cac report.

the listener and the credit people

Drivers bound to strict confidentiality, so the detailed stories of customers Cac can not share. Riding in his car has been sitting for public figures, politicians and dignitaries. The most memorable moments, however, are the encounters of older customers.

– for Some customers, a taxi driver may be the only people with whom they are chatting for many days, the Cac describes.

the history of the with interest he will listen gladly also older reports. Cac has noticed that many consider the taxi driver as a reliable person, who can tell you almost anything.

– the Parents of my clients memories the taxi driver was especially in the small village credit people, who know everything about everything, but knew how to keep things to yourself.

the hard sella has strict quality regulations also chat. Cac enjoys it when customers with good discussions, but can be if necessary, also quietly.

– the Driver does not ever start a conversation. If the customer says something, it may try to gently answer as that would get him to tell you more. Situations and people should know how to read in order to know whether it is better to say something or just be quiet. The driver is always more of the listener role.

Mercedes a liking to dog

Also unexpected circumstances has come to the front. Once a ride was waiting for a big mongrel dog with his master.

Our drivers are driving a black Mercedes. Inka Soveri / IL

– at That point scared me admittedly a little bit, that’s what this will be. When I opened the back door, the dog jumped right into the foot space to sit and raise a paw on the armrest, Cac recalls.

the Journey wasn’t long, and the dog behaved nicely and calmly. Driving the finally, Cac noted to the client that the dog must be accustomed to sitting out in the car.

– the Host replied that it is fond of especially in black German cars.

Most stories and colourful encounters comes to Cc by just such ordinary taxi job. Their addition to the hard sella also made a little more special runs. Special transportation yellow cab dome taken from the roof off.

Especially in these gigs, speaking of cac in arranging the words carefully.

– Something you can deduce from it, when watching, for example state visits, the kind of cars you see out there, he suggests.

New drivers are needed

the taxi business has been during the autumn, a lot of present as well as in the media, that people’s speeches. The law change is boned and criticized, but the Tribe Cac sees it more good than bad.

– This field was previously really regulated, so the change has improved many things. Drivers no longer have on-call duty, but work has been released. Price competition, people also drive a taxi any more, so drivers enough work.

This has also been observed Cabonline Academy, which trained new drivers hard sella, as well as its second brand, FixuTaxille. Cac started in 2011 Cabonline Academy trainer, and has continued alongside part-time as a driver.

– training experience I had from my last job. They are always funny situations, when even the taxi station will come up against former trainees, who have got down to business, he told me.

Our pick at the moment new employees, which is a fire of the transport sector. Cabonline Academy training lasts approximately two weeks, and all selected employed hard sella.

Cc, for example, customer service and sales work experience is a lot of benefit from the driver work, but also ideal for the career novice.

I Know young people for whom this has been the first job, through which they have reached in life ahead. The key features are, of course, driving skills, traffic rules awareness and calmness so traffic than human contact. Also local knowledge is important, he characterizes.

Changing the day of and customer-oriented work in addition to the industry advantages include close working community, where supported and understood each other.

This world is such that drivers have formed a very close community, like a small inner circle. I received it through a lot of good friends, Cac rejoices.

Interested in a taxi driver’s profession? Read more driver work Hard for you.