The parliamentary finance committee has completed the state budget for next year on the report.The parliamentary finance committee gave the budget report on Friday. The picture in the mps Timo Magpie (sd), committee chairman Timo Kalli (centre party), Timo Heinonen (ioc) and Matti Torvinen (sin)

the Committee notes that the Finnish economic outlook is still quite favorable, but faster growth is projected to be already behind us.

– a Favorable cycle is not sufficient to eliminate the structural problems resulting from fiscal imbalances, the committee said.

the Committee’s report was not unanimous. Opposition party representatives attached report plenty of objections.

”Tanks empty, out of gas”

the main opposition social democratic party’s committee on the corresponding Timo Magpie review committee approved the government’s budget show a familiar style.

– the Tank is empty and the fuel’s end, he summed up the critique.

a Magpie to raise Juha Sipilä (centre) board of directors budget presentation three grievances, i.e. inequality, education cuts, as well as insufficient investments in transport routes.

the Report is the committee chairman Timo Kallin (centre) last. He is no longer nominated for next April’s parliamentary elections.

Magpie, as the other party of the committee on corresponding thanked Kallia good work.

– the checkered flag is swung, and the horse is now at the finish line, Magpie words.

Kalli is known in satakunta as an avid horseman.

Harsh criticism

for 18 years, the finance committee sat on the left alliance Kari Uotila criticized the harsh words of the committee on the tradition of sharing the so-called. christmas gift money. The committee added the government bill a total of eur 60 million expenditure.

– Half of them were those who the government left to put a budget in its proposal, trusting that the parliament add them, Uotila started.

Uotila, this half christmas gift money went to ”pain points,” but the other 30 million went, then, according to him, the government party of election of representatives to the money.

Strikingly big preparations for the elections. This was now the usual sleazier, Uotila bewitched.

the Magpie spoke with an acidic tone, ”candy money.”

the Largest amount of money increases, the committee showed road repair debt reduction, a total of 25.3 million euros.

christmas gift money pot this year was 40 million, so the election under the money now 20 million increase.

Chairman Kalli acknowledged the criticism by saying that the deviation are large compared with the past.

Is the parliamentary authority?

Uotila questioned the whole christmas gift money tradition.

– Whether it is the parliamentary authority of procedure, he asked.

Uotila, though admitted that he himself has participated in christmas of sharing, when the left alliance has been in government.

Chairman Kalli replied Uotila criticism by saying that all budgets € are ”similar.”

the State budget for next year totals of 55.5 billion euros, which is about 300 million less than the year 2018 actual budget. The show is a 1.6 billion deficit. The deficit will be covered by additional debt.

the Government’s budget draft to the parliament in the great hall beginning next Monday and continuing all week. The vote is on Friday.