To be arrested by the police is usually not one of the things that you have on your wish list. But in Queensland, Australia, there are however, many who beg and ask to be arrested. And this is due to a quite innocuous picture of three female police officers, which was posted on facebook yesterday of the Queensland Police Service.

In the picture one sees three young, beautiful police officer is on patrol, smiling at the camera. And it has got several thousand australians to respond. And they respond not because of the women’s heroic and important job, but rather because they believe that the three women look uncommon good.

the picture has the Queensland Police Service have written the following: ‘On Wednesdays we wear blue’.

The popular image that has gone viral, has got 14.000 likes and have been shared 659 times. And 1100 users have also commented on the picture. And most of the comments have a consistent theme – they will all really like to be arrested by the three female police officers.

One user wrote:

‘Wow. Where can I go get arrested today?’.

another wrote:

‘I would very much like to be arrested. You will be so kind.’

A third wrote:

‘Now will the number of crimes in Queensland will be doubled in just a single night’.

A fourth wrote:

‘When are police officers starting to look so good? It is about time that I break the law.

And a fifth user went in a slightly different direction:

‘Okay. There are some of them who are single. I would like to have a friend’.