British prime minister Theresa May issued its evaluation of the situation of Britain in the EU-the difference from Thursday night’s EU summit.British prime minister Theresa May arrives Thursday in Brussels to attend the EU summit, where he gave the situation its assessment of britain’s EU difference. EPA/AOP

May meet the other eu member states leaders in Brussels. The prime minister told the difficulties to negotiate the divorce settlement enough to support their own country in parliament.

May I appeal to other EU leaders, saying that with their help he would get EU-a difference confirmed in the British parliament.

May give assessment of the situation after the 27 other EU country’s leaders withdrew to discuss the situation in a separate meeting.

EU leaders, however, were not willing to open the agreement. Inform also the prime minister Juha Sipilä (centre).

– Previous negotiation erosopimus and the political declaration on the future of the relationship is not open, Sipilä comments.

May the problem have resulted in a divorce settlement backup system, which secures the Northern Ireland border transparency. Euro-sceptics are afraid, that this so-called backstop, i.e. Finnish transom, to keep Britain in the EU’s customs union.

– We need to change the perception that the backstop is a trap, where the Uk did not manage to escape. Before we do that, this contract, our contract, is in danger, May said Thursday.

May warned other EU countries that Britain might inadvertently run into a situation where it will leave the EU 29. march without a contract.

This possibility of the other 27 EU member states to prepare even more closely.

president of the European commission Jean-Claude Juncker , has indicated on Thursday that it intends to reveal next week a detailed plan on how the EU is preparing for the British to get rid of without a contract.