In the SPD, many criticize the compromise of the coalition to paragraph 219a. In a statement, the Association of social democratic women (ASF) to the vertices it is called, “the SPD can agree on-women, never.” The ASF criticized, the word “advertising” suggest that “women would leave to have an abortion curls, because they have today do nothing Else. the Kristiana Ludwig, Berlin Kristiana Ludwig

Kristiana Ludwig is a business correspondent in the Berlin Parliament editorial staff, and reports mainly on health and social policy. Previously she was editor at the mirror capital office and the Chief of the taz. She studied politics and Islamic studies.


The compromise proposal of the coalition to ban advertising for abortion pushes in Opposition to criticism – and also within the SPD. In a statement, the Association of social democratic women (ASF) to the vertices it is called, “the SPD can agree on-women never.”

As Minister of justice Katarina Barley, Minister for the family, Franziska Giffey (both SPD), Minister of health, Jens Spahn and the Chancellery chief Helge Braun (both CDU) and interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) do not want to delete the controversial clause 219a of the criminal code, but only to Supplement it. Advertising for abortions should continue to be banned. the dispute clause 219a

Doctors reject compromise ban

The Grand coalition wants to maintain the controversial ban on the advertising of abortions, the text of the law but Supplement it. Kristina Hänel and more Doctors refer to the proposal as a “zero number”.

The German medical Association and the Federal centre for health education should be mandated to provide neutral information, which Doctors and facilities undergo an abortion. This Information request is to be anchored in the paragraph 219a. Details have been announced for January.

ASF criticized the word “advertising”

The ASF criticized, the word “advertising” suggest that “women would leave to have an abortion curls, because they have today do nothing else. This is and remains cynical.” The Chairman of the “forum democratic Left 21” within the SPD, Hilde Mattheis, criticized the paper of the five Ministers. It was “another example of how attempts to whitewash different society designs of the Union and the SPD, with a formula of compromise.”

the Chairman of The North Rhine-Westphalian SPD, Sebastian Hartmann, said that women would receive comprehensive Information and Doctors from prosecution is to be protected. He called for “in January, finally a good scheme”. Hartmann had previously demanded, the SPD would have to take “the opportunity to organize a parliamentary majority for the deletion of paragraph 219a” – with a certain decision of the deputies, therefore, with the cancellation of the group discipline. Now he, however, party leader Andrea Nahles, who had said on Wednesday evening that it will now wait to see the exact text of the law, and then in January to rate.

Lauterbach: “a step in the right direction,”

SPD Deputy Karl Lauterbach called the compromise proposal to the Bundestag a “step in the right direction”. Because on Thursday afternoon, the plenary session on pregnancy debated crashes. The AfD group had taken a decision of the Jusos to the legalization of abortions on the occasion of a Current hour of convening. Group Vice Beatrix von Storch spoke of a “baby-killer group,” within the Jusos, and was admonished for this choice of words of the Vice-President of the Bundestag, Petra Pau (Left),. Green, Left and the FDP accused the SPD, to be in the compromise caved. The FDP wanted to force a request on Thursday evening to vote on the deletion of the prohibition on Advertising. The coalition wanted to turn away, however, by voting for a Referral of the compromise in the Committee on legal Affairs, BelTA learned from the SPD group.

criticism of the compromise proposal also came from the on the basis of section 219a of the convicted Doctor Kristina Hänel pour out. You had to bump a year ago, the discussion and said now that she was appalled by the proposal of the Minister””. Doctors President Frank Ulrich Montgomery, welcomed, however, the agreement: Obviously, the coalition of political groups sought a constructive solution. The churches valued the vertices are positive. The new CDU-Chairman, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer tweeted: “The protection of life, unborn and born, has for the CDU of paramount importance. So good, that the advertising ban remains.”