There are those who are warming up for a football game with a few bajere and a sausage before kickoff.

And then there are those, who meet the night before, to clobber each other in pieces together.

on Wednesday night selected a group fodboldbøller, supposedly FCK-hooligans, the last option as they are around at 22 went to the attack on a group of Bordeaux fans, who had gathered at a hotel in Adelgade in Copenhagen.

A scuffle that was caught on video and has since shared on the Facebook page Hooligans TV.

You can see the violent images at the top of this article.

On the video you can see how that can be dealt blows and kicks, like, at one point being thrown a bicycle according to the French, in the Danish slagsbrødre apparently run away from the spot.

even Though more French people sustained injuries, are all involved remain on the loose.

– There are no arrested in the case. It is our preliminary view that it is the fans and hooligans from FCK, who came to blows with the French football fans. We sent a larger force to the spot, and calm was restored around midnight, lit vagtchef by the Copenhagen Police, Kristian Rohdin, Thursday to Ekstra Bladet.

For the local residents was the scramble an intense experience.

– I hear some high bang as fireworks, or if some very large metal plates fall over. From my window I can see a group of young men in black hoodies, who stands at Posterland store. Shortly after going there four police cars at Gothersgade with the ground. The two of them running down the Adelgade and two running down to the Nyhavn, and told Esben Bech, who lives in Gothersgade, on Wednesday.

on Thursday evening, meet and FCK and Bordeaux in the Park a match in the Europa League.

the 112 – 13. dec. 2018 – at. 04:53 More frenchmen injured after huge football brawl

the 112 – 12. dec. 2018 – at. 22:23 the Big brawl in the middle of Copenhagen: – We are with everything we have