“It is not May that is the problem”

“Despite the fact that Theresa May narrowly survived as the prime minister continues almost all bark at her.”

“the Victory despite predicted she will soon get to bite in the grass.”

“But it is not Theresa May who is the problem or the reason for the british the chaos.”

“The one who thought that the calm would now fold over the british isles when it became clear that May continue as the prime minister has not understood much of brexitröran.”

“anyone Who has been in her position had been forced to fend off constant avgångskrav and inkompetensförklaringar. It is not Theresa May is wrong, but the extreme fragmentation that exists among the brits when it comes to brexit.”

“If the fault is anyone’s, it is the former, conservative prime minister David Cameron who thought that he would be able to unite his divided party and stub out the threat from the EU-critical Ukip by calling a referendum on whether to leave the EU. He used the brexit vote as a weapon to silence the EU-critical faction of the party. Not for a second did he to opponents of the UNION would be able to win.”

“the fundamental problem with the referendum was that there was only one known option to vote on an incredibly complex issue. To remain all knew what it meant. But no one had a clue about the conditions in which the former proud superpower would cast off from the rest of Europe. Everyone had their own image of what brexit would mean.”

“Wanted to avoid migrants”

“When I traveled around the country for the referendum in 2016, I met many people who thought that the only thing that would happen was that you would get rid of all the EU migrants who came to the Uk to steal british jobs or living on benefits. Many thought of an easy exit where the british island empire would again master the seas and, thanks to its general superiority to restore its former stormaktsstatus.”

“I met no brexitanhängare, whether fanatical or hesitant, as a for a second, saw today’s complicated and lengthy process in front of them.”

“the Problems began in earnest when brexitförespråkarna realized that the EU would not stand with hat in hand and bow to the british demands. The other 27 countries would not allow London to pick the raisins out of the cake. That is to say, keep what you liked and had the advantage of, and avoid all the man dismissed, including to pay your dues.”

“Because the referendum did not give Mays the government of any guidance by the side of a general willingness among the people to leave the EU she got to make her own interpretation, in summary form, in the everything else than clarification the slogan ”brexit means brexit”. First, leaned she ate a hard brexit and repeated many times that it was better to leave without an agreement than a bad agreement.”

“the Reality forced her to modify the position to a smoother variant where it takes longer for the british to be completely free from the EU.”

“It is not because May is a bad negotiator, but on the simple fact that other EU countries do not want to reward a country that leaves their members’ club. Then the other choose to do the same thing.nBrexitanhängarnas claim that they would be able to get a much better deal only to someone other than the May sitting of management is nothing more than a giant illusion.”

“May have harvested a number of brexitministrar all moved forehead bloody against the betongmuren in Brussels.”

“the Problem is reality, and the fact that the british are so divided on the type of brexit they want. For it was not what the referendum was about. It just gave the answer to the question; should we be in the EUROPEAN union or not?”

“In reality includes a number of problems that the supporters waved off before the referendum. What would happen to Gibraltar? How would you solve the border issue between the republic of Ireland and northern Ireland?”

“In the reality also includes the divisions in her own party where some want to break abruptly with the EU without an agreement, a mittfraktion want it softer agreements which May negotiated, and a third group wants a new referendum. Anyone who leads a party with so extreme a division has a mission impossible if the hen will try to make everyone happy.”

“To switch the out May had only further increased the chaos and the confusion which already prevails. But now that she is still does not involve any express clarity about what brexit will look like, or if it is possible at all.”

“there is No evidence that it will be easier for her to get parliament to approve her brexitavtal when it should be up to a vote sometime before January 21.”

“After 2.5 years, the EU and May even not reached further than to agree on skilsmässovillkoren. How the future relationship with the UNION has not even begun to negotiate.”

“Confusion and chaos is about to become a constant state.”

“It is far from just Mays wrong.”