The ban on advertising of abortions should, in principle, remain, but are complemented. Federal medical chamber and the Federal centre for health education should keep contact information of Doctors ready to the women for a crash. The competent Minister of the Grand coalition in Berlin, agreed. the Kristiana Ludwig, Berlin Kristiana Ludwig

Kristiana Ludwig is a business correspondent in the Berlin Parliament editorial staff, and reports mainly on health and social policy. Previously she was editor at the mirror capital office and the Chief of the taz. She studied politics and Islamic studies.

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In the dispute over the ban on advertising abortions, has asked a Minister round to Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD), a compromise in view. In a paper, which is the süddeutsche Zeitung, they said, in the next year a law to formulate, “how Doctors and hospitals about the fact can inform you that they perform abortions”. The controversial Criminal law section 219a is to be supplemented only. “Advertising for a termination of pregnancy may not, however, in the future,” said Chancellery chief Helge Braun (CDU).

brown and Barley had together with Minister of family Affairs Franziska Giffey (SPD), Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) and interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) have struggled in the past few months to find a solution in the heated debate. In April, the SPD, the Union had set an Ultimatum until the autumn. Should find no solution, the Doctors, guarantees the freedom from punishment and to Pregnant information allows that will you are looking for with “reform-minded groups” in the Bundestag talks. At the end of which a vote without party discipline, might be it was then called. The SPD advocates just like Green, Left and the FDP for a deletion of the paragraph. For Thursday, the FDP has scheduled a vote on the §219a in the Bundestag, and calls for a certain decision.

in addition to assurance, in January a specific proposal to the advertising prohibition to present, the five Ministers on Wednesday evening to facilitate the affected families to access to information. State or state-commissioned Places should in the future make the Internet neutral medical facts about abortion. Federal medical chamber and the Federal centre for health education should also keep contact information of Doctors and hospitals ready, to the women for a crash. This will change the pregnancy conflict law.

associations should Current hour to have abortions

in Addition, in the future, other “measures” to prevent unwanted pregnancies and protect the unborn life. The Ministers also want to improve the qualification of doctors, the crashes. Finally, a scientific study is to shed light on the “frequency and severity of psychological consequences of abortion”.

SPD Leader Andrea Nahles said she was pleased with the compromise proposal: “We will now wait and see the exact text of the law, and then in January in our groups to evaluate, advise, and decide.” If your parliamentary group is the same as Nahles willing to wait patiently, it will show tomorrow. Because not only the FDP challenge with your request the patience of the social Democrats. Also, the AfD has set up a current hour to abortion on the agenda. On Monday, the §219a had has already split the Grand coalition government in lower Saxony. Here, a majority of the SPD members of Parliament voted in stress together with the Opposition for the requirement of the paragraph.