a rise in tensions between China and Canada. Because of the affair to the chief financial officer of the Chinese Telecom giant Huawei, Meng Wanzhou, according to Reports, in the meantime, in China, two Canadians: after an Ex-diplomat, now the Korea expert Michael Spavor. The approach is seen by observers as a possible Chinese retaliation for the arrest of the daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei.

But also on a canadian company the conflict has now impact: Chinese consumers go to social networks like Weibo for a Boycott of canadian brands and specific luxury jacket manufacturer Canada Goose. The brand am how hardly anything else in Canada, said Bruce Winder from the Retail Advisors Network, the British “Guardian”. It is therefore very easy to connect with the conflict.

damper for expansion plans?

The share of Canada Goose is broken since the capture of Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver by 20 percent. Meanwhile, the title of the Chinese brand Bosideng have risen by 13 per cent to a five-year high. Bosideng, like Canada Goose also jackets.

Canada Goose plans to open in the next few days its first Store in Beijing. A regional headquarters in Shanghai, to follow. Boss Dani Reiss was last month in the Chinese capital and said even a day before Meng Wanzhous arrest, the canadian newspaper “Globe and Mail”: “Our brand is very well known here, this is great.”

These plans could miss out on the current dispute between Canada and China on the Huawei chief financial officer a damper. Analysts had warned that canadian companies could be exposed to an elevated pressure, if China criminal have taken measures against the detention of Meng Wanzhou.

Swiss buy less Canada Goose Parkas

Canada Goose is, meanwhile, not only because of the conflict with China in the criticism, but also due to the use of fur and goose Down. In this country, the demand for the Parkas. Compared to last year, the sale of the Jackets and coats of the brand has dropped greatly, said a Galaxus-speaker the news portal Watson. A great Player who wanted to remain anonymous, the Portal confirmed.

Here the Wind turns in real fur. This was in the last seasons in the Trend, is the handling of conscious. Last Jelmoli had announced to sell soon, not real fur. Zurich’s Club Hiltl had adopted two years ago, a real fur ban for his guests.

The animal protection organization Peta had already driven for prolonged campaigns against Canada Goose. She criticized the cruelty of geese in the production of the Down, as well as the treatment of the coyotes trapped for the fur trim, allegedly, in Steel, or slaying shot.

In China is expected to meanwhile, the price of the Jackets is a criterion for the Boycott. The Parkas of Canada Goose can cost about 1000 Swiss francs. “I’m going to boycott Canada Goose, because I can’t afford it anyway,” wrote one user on Weibo. “The shares have fallen, but the prices are not” another.

released on bail

In the case of Meng Wanzhou, a judge decided on Tuesday to spare them pending a decision on their extradition to the United States against the payment of a million Deposit from detention. The 46-Year-old, however, must remain under strict conditions and under guard in Vancouver.

the Last U.S. President Donald Trump had hinted that he could switch on in the case, in order to facilitate the trade talks of his country with China. Canada’s foreign Minister, Freeland criticized this: “Our delivery partner should not try to politicize the delivery process.” (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 13.12.2018, 16:41 PM