Beveren (belgium) Luc Van Puymbroeck, the farmer that some of the bunkers from the first world war and on his fields disappear, going by the court-imposed penalty of 250 euro per day challenge. He will get the support of the municipality and more than five thousand citizens who have a online petition to have signed. This weekend also crosses motorcycle club Fast Arrows, the ruined farmer, a heart under the belt with a real Bunker Party.

Luc Van Puymbroeck have in the meantime already more than 410.000 euros in penalty payments to pay after he had a few bunkers on his fields had undermined so that they under the ground and disappeared. He did this without a permit, but at a time when the bunkers are not protected as heritage. Afterwards, he was protecting there and the man was sentenced to the bunkers to their original state to restore. A surgery with a cost of 3.7 million euros and thus unaffordable. In the meantime the penalty getting higher on and there will be 250 euros per day. Van Puymbroeck has now a new appeal launched to the penalty, and to suspend the court to convince that he is in the impossibility to repair the damage.

He gets the support of the city council. Mayor Marc Of the Pond (CD&V) replied this to a question of André Buyl (VB). “We will, as a municipality, arguments to make for either the punishment is to undo or to mitigate,” says Of the Pond. “In the past, there are still bunkers demolished and never were there such far-reaching consequences. This is not in relation to the punishment that is imposed. More than this can we as a church have to do anything, because it is, and remains, a judicial case.”