The British Prime Minister wants to re-negotiate the Brexit Treaty. About May talks today with EU politicians. However, the ab wave. Only clarifications, you can imagine.

In contention for the Brexit Treaty, the British Prime Minister Theresa May is seeking to further concessions by the EU. Changes to the agreement she is trying to get a majority in the British Parliament for the contract. After surviving the vote of no confidence in your party May talks in Brussels today with the leading politicians of the EU. The opportunities for renegotiation, however, are bad. In the interview, are merely clarifications.

the EU is not a new one willing to negotiate

in Front of the EU summit, which starts in the afternoon, had already been rejected numerous politicians, changes to the contract. “There is no basis for this agreement re-analysis,” said Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas in the Bundestag. There it was decided with the votes of the Grand coalition, an application, in which it is stated that the EU was ready to the limits of their negotiation lines. “As fallacious will have any hope, that rejecting the agreement could lead to its renegotiation.” The AfD and the Left voted against, FDP and the greens abstained.

miss a vote against May
tagesschau 12:00 PM, 13.12.2018, Julie Short, ARD London

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