Telia’s partner ”did nothing” with the business in Uzbekistan, despite the billions invested in the country between 2007 and 2010, ” said the prosecutor Berndt Berger, in his closing speech in the Stockholm city court.

The sole purpose of paying the partner – extremely diktatorsdottern the First Karimova – where to get obtained the ”decision of the authorities in the form of licenses and number blocks,” says Berger, one of two prosecutors in the case.

Telia knew ”from day one” that the other party was Karimova, ” says Berger.

the Then ceo Lars Nyberg didn’t care about it, believe Berger.

In an interview in the Swedish newspaper svenska Dagbladet in 2008 said Nyberg that he can not know who are the final beneficiaries of the companies you do business with.

“I Can’t live with it, I shall not be in half of the countries on the globe,” says Nyberg, in the article, something he explained in court that he also represents.

”likgiltighetsuppsåt” points out Berger.

Telia also solved 2010 a loan to a company that was known to be represented by Karimova, Zeromax, in exchange for 4G frequencies.

Additional 4G frequencies got Telia in the same year by a ”skenavtal” with his partner worth around half a billion kronor, according to Berger. Because you had the frequencies before the agreement was written tidigaredaterades this to justify it on paper, was a consultant’s fee, according to the prosecutor.

Nyberg, former president Tero Kivisaari and a former general counsel accused of aggravated bribery in connection with Teliasonera’s business in Uzbekistan. In total, Karimova about three billion kroner in the shops, against that Telia could be active in the country, according to the indictment.

in the case, but the prosecutor chose in the end to free Nyberg on one of them, for the establishment in the country in 2007. Nyberg has said that it was decided before he took office as president in the fall.

All three suspects deny the crime.

In the next week it’s the defence’s turn to summarize his view of the goal before the over three months long trial is about to end. A ruling is expected any at the start of next year.

also Read: Lars Nyberg blames on the Telia board of directors