Heart rate series of a familiar actor Leena Pöysti tell We Women -journal about the experience of sexual harassment.Actress Leena Pöystillä is disgusting harassment experiences. Pete Anikari

Actor Leena Pöysti to get already as a young student theater circles.

He studied in Helsinki, the Rock expression skills in high school, and received a role already at that time.

on a Recent We Women magazine interview he told us how he managed to get only 17-year-old in the lead role in the theater.

It was a princess role, I had a lace dress, with long corkscrew curls and a big bow on the head, Leena recalls the journal.

– the Same time at the theater, toss one of the older man the actor, who took to the habit of chasing me in a playful manner.

He sought my skin at every turn. I still remember kouraisut and greedy hands, Pöysti recalls We a Woman.

at the Same time he will tell you how to learn to avoid the theater dark scenes, certain staircases and exits. Thus he tried to avoid it, I wouldn’t hit the stalker’s path.

Pöysti tell you that a harassment situation is even photo.

– I and another young female actress sitting in the picture, when my stalker attacked the sofa in the back panel behind the crumple us like some fairy tale of big bad wolf.

Leena Pöysti does not tell me who the actor was all about. He won’t tell me either the name of the theatre, where the harassment happened.

Leena Pöysti has a long career as an actor. Currently, he is involved in the super popular heart Rate series, where she plays johanna in the role.