The differences in health insurance premiums within a Canton are sometimes huge. So the numbers Insured in the cities of Zurich or Bern on a monthly basis from 50 to 100 francs for the basic health insurance than inhabitants of rural communities. Also in mid-sized towns and agglomeration communities, the premiums are around 15 per cent lower than in the cantonal main cities.

health Minister Alain Berset wanted to reduce these differences with a transformation of the cantonal premium regions. Because the classification of individual municipalities in the most expensive, medium or cheap Region does not always correspond to the actual health care costs. So agglomeration municipalities benefit from the high hospital and physician density in the cities, but have lower premiums. In the Canton of Bern is the most expensive Region 1 (region of Berne) subsidise the more rural regions 2 and 3 with 5 to 6 premium is a percentage, such as the Federal office for health (BAG) has, of all things. Also in the Canton of Zurich, such a cross-subsidisation takes place, for example from the city of Zürich (Region 1) in adjacent municipalities (Region 2). Thus, inhabitants of the gold coast municipalities pay on a monthly basis, around 50 Swiss francs less in health insurance premiums, even though they cause practically cost the same high level of health, such as the city of Zurich.

the resistance of the cantons of

Bersets proposals for the redesign of the premium regions triggered in the cantons, however, a fierce resistance. Because some of the municipalities from the premium regions 2 and 3 would have flourished, a premium surcharge of about 10 percent. The Council of States has pushed therefore on Wednesday Bersets plans for a bar. He agreed with 24 votes to 13 with a Motion of his health Commission, which asked the whereabouts in the classification today. As in the national Council, the same proposal was submitted, Berset expected to remain with the Status quo.

Any Changes to the existing regions would lead to hard-to-place premiums, jumps, reasoned Commission spokesman Joachim Eder (FDP, SG) the decision. For a new division, a broad consensus would have to be present. The Council is aware of the fact that today the premiums in the regions does not always correspond with the costs.

Berset rejects allegations

Berset accused the Council of States that he wanted to legalize an unjust state. Because the Federal Council is the Parliament of the supervision act, in spite of this, it is only since 2016. The oversight act requires that the Premiums must correspond to the effective costs. It Berset was the new division and defended the project persistent. This brought him in the Council of States, the charge of stubbornness. This Berset rejected but decided.

Bersets the first proposal was that, within a cantonal district all municipalities in the same award region. This would have led in the Canton of Zurich in 102 municipalities in premiums premiums. But also the second proposal from Bersets would have led to large shifts. In the Canton of Zurich, most of the municipalities in the cheapest Region 3, the Region 2 would have been allocated. In the Canton of Bern, only the southern belt in the Bernese Oberland would be love in the lowest Region 3.


The Council of States and, presumably, also of the national Council of cemented Berset force not only to the Status quo in the premium regions, but also to maintaining of discounts. The premiums may be in the Region of 2, so still 15 percent lower than in Region 1 and in Region 3 to a maximum of 10 percent lower than in Region 2.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 13.12.2018, 08:38 PM