camp-fire romance, blonde children, women with flowers in their hair: There are photos of happy nature loving people who want to be at one with their environment. There would be not only crosses these hooks. Gabi D. *, grew up in the Region of Winterthur, is at a Outdoor table and prepares fruit juices for the children. On the table a with the swastika-strewn flyers, in addition to a CD, whose cover image with a myriad of blue and red Swastikas decorated.

On the CD is listen to Gabi D., as she speaks a prayer. In addition, a self-proclaimed Russian healer are advertised therein, seminars Oleg Pankov,. According to the Zurich-based specialist Infosekta is Pankow with Russian-born Anastasia movement connected and “propagated ideas about the uniqueness of the “Wedischen race””.

Anastasia is a fabulous figure of a woman with psychic powers, who lives alone in the Siberian Taiga, beautiful, blonde, and way. Your spiritual Knowledge is reproduced in a ten-volume series of books titled “The ringing cedars of Russia”. The books have sold since the mid-nineties by the millions and were translated into English. Together, they represent a kind of Bible of Anastasia-sect.

The pictures of the laughing people in the countryside, the women in the long skirts come in the summer of 2014. A short time later, Gabi D. pregnant and travels to Russia, where they visited a so-called Schetinin school. These schools are based on the fact that children have, allegedly, already at birth, “cosmic Knowledge”. In the view of the Anastasia movement, children up to the age of nine years, “pure and all-knowing”, as the Zurich-based specialist Infosekta place writes. Also important is a natural, earthy, healthy life in the sect, the best on a “country seat” with an area of about one hectare. That should be enough to supply a family of organic farmers with healthy food.

dreams of self-sufficiency

An offshoot of the Anastasia-sect of the club “family land, seats for Switzerland”, which has its headquarters in Winterthur, but also a strikingly high proportion of members from this Region. The purpose of the Association is to the Switzerland, to a life in the perfect home, based on a “long-term harmonious and respectful relationship with man and nature”. The children can be trusted “with Pride and love the work of their ancestors”. The core of the programme, family, country seats, which are grouped into self-sufficient settlements. Not least because of the high land costs in Switzerland, the dreams of the local Anastasia-trailer did not go so far, but still true. Also, teaching according to the model of the Schetinin-schools have not come beyond the stage of learning groups and Home school, because the necessary regulatory approvals are missing. Probably the most a Schetinin project’s cheeks advanced on an organic farm in the Canton of Lucerne in size.

The yards may not be built, the ideas of the sect, however, acts very specifically in Switzerland. Must beat the Kesb Winterthur-Andelfingen longer with the ideas of Anastasia-sect. Shortly after the birth of the Child by Gabi D. a wild and desolate begins to dispute concern. Because Gabi D. and the child’s father, Daniel R. * are not married, she receives sole custody. Daniel R. requested the Kesb joint custody and indicates to the authority that the mother is a member of the Anastasia-sect. Gabi D. denies, to belong to a sect. Daniel R. a also a threat message, because the mother had refused to allow the infant a week-long medical care, although he suffered stomach problems and in the end had to be operated on. It is the fault of carrying the hostile attitude of the mother towards the medical school, what is typical for the followers of the Anastasia movement. According to Infosekta some of the Sectarian ideas of the “New Germanic medicine port”, according to which, for example, cancer due to a trauma treatment heal leave.

The mother, in turn, makes Daniel R. with the authorities bad. She accuses him of terrorizing them. He also have a Problem with alcohol and marijuana.

In the “Anastasia-Bible” spread the ideology of the sect.

Much of the Kesb-files gives the impression that the authority notes the concerns of the parent seriously. A friend of Gabi D. calls the Kesb and says that she is Worried about the condition of Daniel R. you’ve heard that he could hurt himself. It is accusations from a pure hear say.

Out of concern for the education of ability, the Kesb assigns psychiatric report by Gabi D. and Daniel R.. The opinion refuted the allegations that there is a risk of Daniel R. offences against the life, limb, and acute suicide risk. No addiction problems. Daniel R. will be experienced as a loving father.

Shortly before the completion of the report, the competent Kesb employee got off the phone with the author. She tries to convince him of your personal impression that Daniel R. primary to the Well-being of the child. Rather, the father to fight against the Anastasia is fixed to the movement and his criticism of the Kesb – so it can be read in the report. In the same day written memo to the employee is mentioned with no word that she has described to the psychiatrist, your personal evaluation of Daniel R. on the phone. To could not individual cases because of patient confidentiality and the Secrecy position, the Kesb on request. The authority shall take a decision for the mother, the case goes today to the next instance: the district court of Winterthur.

anti-Semitism in pure culture

What Gabi D. really about the Anastasia movement thinks, and whether this could influence their now three and a half year old son, remains her secret. A request perE-Mail to let them go unanswered. However, there are many clues that suggest their proximity to the Anastasia sect. So her Name is listed in a publication with Anastasia-ideas, as a proofreader. On each side of the font at least eight swastikas emblazoned. Human races and tribes can be distinguished due to different eye colors.

the sect relies on racist ideas, can also be in the “Anastasia-Bible” read. To mean the persecution of the Jews and the Holocaust: “it is already more than a Millennium, one can draw the conclusion that the Jewish people has in front of the people to blame.” The Jews had instigated conspiracies against the rulers, they tried to cheat all the people of their possessions away. This is anti-Semitism in pure culture.

Black sun

it Is a coincidence that on the Facebook profile of Gabi D. emblazoned with a picture of a bird that carries a pendant with a black sun in the Beak? This Symbol, a combination of three swastikas that was used in the third Reich by the SS. The same photo used Gabi D. as a profile picture on your VK account, the Russian Facebook, and this time under her real name.

Frank, Willy Ludwig, a German “Guru” Anastasia-sect, told in the spring of 2018 at a lecture in the Canton of St. Gallen that he had asked Gabi D., at the time, whether or not she should abort her child. He had advised against urgently. In addition, the right esoteric says on the edge of the event that Gabi D. in Anastasia-moving circles.

Today, the district court must decide Winterthur, whether this fact plays a role in the assessment of the case – whether the father gets a say in the ideological education of his son or whether the remains solely with the mother.

* name

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 13.12.2018, 09:04 PM