“The union opened offices in the united states: ”A fiasco””

“the League sent nine employees to New York for the members ‘money.”

“Sweden’s largest trade union, the Union continues the dark how they use members’ money. “

“Now, Aftonbladet, revealing how the federation sent nine people to New York and opened a pop-up office with few visitors. “

“– Internally laughed at this project and they understood that it would be a fiasco. It came barely a few swedes there, ” says an official who has worked a long time on the Union.”

“Aftonbladet has been in several articles revealed how facktoppar of the Union flying in business class and staying at luxury hotels during their business trips. At the same time, the federation has refused to disclose the costs for the several congresses, and referred to the issues of privacy and security reasons. “

“the Members are raging against the Union – which is the only one of the ten examined the covenant as the blinds cost.”

“Now, Aftonbladet, revealing how the Union made off with large sums of money on a pr campaign then in the course of a week ran a pop-up office in the united states. “

“It was in november 2017 as a temporary office was opened in Brooklyn, New York. “

“In connection with the opening, a Union-boss in an interview that six people would man the office. But the total sent, the Union of nine people to New York. The two of them flew in business class, shows Aftonbladet’s scrutiny.”

“Three employees also took the opportunity to take out holiday in the united states. “

“It was quite clear to a lot of people on the ground there,” says an official who worked a long time on the Union. “

“According to the official became pop-up office ”a damp squib”:”

“– Internally laughed at this project and they understood that it would be a fiasco. It came barely a few swedes there. “

“One of the Union’s goal was to bring involvement in social channels and all communication would use a special hashtagg. But on both Twitter and Facebook, it has only been posted a few post and the Union accounted for most of them.”

“the League’s first post on Facebook about the pop-up office today has 100 likes, 18 shares and 7 comments. “

“One of the comments is:”

”Fucking waste of members money, so that some bigwigs to get to go to New York. Joke!”.”

“part of the Union’s campaign was a webbsänt seminar in New York, where, among other things, Leif Pagrotsky appeared. “

“the Seminar is up on the Union’s Youtube channel, and have as of this writing 144 views. “

“the Union refuses to give out a single cost for a pr campaign or what it cost to send nine people to the united states during the week. “

“”this was a cost-effective campaign which the Union itself did most of the work. For competitive reasons, we leave never the cost of our marketing,” writes the alliance in a comment. “

“Lyxflyg to study trips”

“Aftonbladet’s review also shows that the Union sent several facktoppar on expensive trips. “

“Now, in October went six representatives on a study tour to China, one of them flew in business class. “

“Two were gone for nine days, and the rest in eight days. “

“In connection with the u.s. presidential election sent the Union there three facktoppar, two of whom flew in business class, to follow the electoral process. “

“Even in its case, choose the Union that the dark how much the trips have cost the lives of the members. “

” today, there are how much money as any in the Union. When it goes a little too good, it is easy to become fartblind in rushen. It is a little bit of what has happened, ” says an official who has worked a long time on the Union. “

“So tips you Aftonbladet”