these days it is two years ago, the Fda asked fødevaregiganten Orkla stop defrauding Danish consumers with the product ’Pastella Grøntsagsbånd.’

For Pastella Grøntsagsbånd is not grøntsagsbånd with 40 percent vegetables, such as it is claimed on the packaging and in the marketing.

the Truth is that the product is just ordinary pasta with added menial grøntsagspulver or degraded puree without all the good properties from the vegetables.

You have committed the thought experiment, that the vegetable powder is in the pastadejen swells up to be the vegetables, which constitute 40 percent of the product, but it shall never take place in reality.


Pastella Grøntsagsbånd contains grøntsagspulver. Before grøntsagen was dehydrated to a powder, weighed it, of course, much more than powder. This high ’førvægt’ allows the manufacturer to bring to reason, when it is alleged that the pasta product is made up of 40 percent vegetables.

Actually contains Pastella Grøntsagsbånd virtually the same amount of flour as regular pasta, and the content of gluten is even higher in the so-called grøntsagsbånd.

Interactive element

the Manufacturer has to meet the some to the complainants bl.a. added to the ‘fresh pasta’ under the name of Grøntsagsbånd.

But now the lawyers in the appeal, the panel of the Environment and Fødevareklagenævnet after a few years in the syltekrukken repealed According to the criticism.

Attorneys in Fødevareklagenævnet has accepted the manufacturer’s argument that grøntsagsbånd just a fancy name, which must not be read literally.

– I am very surprised and disappointed at the lifting of the According to the warning notice, for indskærpelsen was very clear and professionally well founded, says Camilla Udsen, fødevarepolitisk senior adviser at the Danish Consumer council, Tænk.

It was this council, who in his time complained to the Danish veterinary and food administration of the product.

– According to the food experts judged objectively, that the name was misleading, and that the conversion to 40 percent of the vegetables were misleading. Therefore, it is problematic and unfortunate, that the lawyers without the same expertise to reverse the decision without regard to the fødevarefaglige arguments. It is pure legalese, says the life and work of.

She refers to, that many consumers want to limit intake of gluten and starch and, therefore, are seeking alternatives to it.

– These alternatives actually exist, but Pastella Grøntsagsbånd is not one of them, she says.

Extract from the decision of the Environment – and Fødevareklagenævnet

‘That is the assessment of which also put particular emphasis on the pastaens appearance makes it clear that there can not be a content of all vegetables, but the vegetables, which in one form or another have undergone processing in order to be able to engage in a pasta dough.’

’the Board considers thus not ”Grøntsagsbånd” to be the product’s name.’

Read the entire decision here.