In years old kjønnsdebatten appeared again: there Are differences of man and woman, and the affect these differences are our options?

Eirik Society and Sæther. Show more

the Debate is a far step back. We do not choose our careers because of biology, but through the counsel, conversations, and trends in society. Expectations shapes us, not the genitals. Through time have the genitals has been the main premise for social expectations, hence the confusion.

In modern society can we not divide the world into two, and say that men are like that and women are so. There are equally great differences between men, as it is between men and women. There is no “standard”. We try to pick out the personal qualities associated with the sexes, we will find the properties on both sides of the divide.

The only example which provides the “kjønnsforkjemperne” a kind of legitimacy, is a nurse-engineer-premise.

Should women and men choose exactly the same for that kjønnsforskerne to be satisfied? Columnist

the Nurses pulled forward as actual evidence that biological differences do we choose differently. It is quite historieløst, for sykepleieryrket has long been considered as one of the few occupations suitable for women. In reality sykepleierjobben a “masculine” profession that requires that you can withstand great stresses, both physical and mental. If we men can’t be nurses because of biology, then it is we who are the weak sex.

When I went out of the high school 15 years ago, there was a boy at school who wanted to be a nurse. He had, of course, emphasize that he wanted to be a nurse to get a job in luftambulansen. It was about a social expectations, not testosterone levels. He could not “just” be a nurse, but had to have an explanation of the choice.

More and more people choose kjønnsutypisk – it especially applies to the women Debate

the Problem with the new the trend where we again focus on sex and not the person, is that men have fewer options in social life. We can’t “just” be nurses, even though many of us probably would have done a good job and been happy as it. Women in Norway can now be everything, we men suffer still under the old patterns.

About fifty years of age all to choose what they want to work as, based on its own characteristics and intrinsic motivation, also we men. About fifty years it’s going to be very many male nurses, just because we are not biology.