the green Party left the handlebar with the pink-reddish parties and formed a majority with the alliance after the elections. A couple of weeks ago presented the budget which included a tax cut with 16 penny, but also cuts on inter alia the field of culture.

” After the elections we were looking for a mittenlösning to control Stockholm, but none of the other parties was interested in this. After beginning a dialogue with M, L, C and KD, we saw that there were the conditions to create a stable majority rule, said the green party’s group leader and trafikborgarråd Daniel Helldén during the debate.

Anna König Jerlmyr (M) was proud of the green & blue budget, which they have named ”Hope”.

” Our starting point is to live up to the will to live in a socially included, sustainable and safe city, which at the same time breathe of hope and looking ahead, she said.

the Liberal group leader, Lotta Edholm talked about that Stockholm will continue to be an open city.

“Our mission will extend over the term so that the city is attractive also for future generations,” she said.

as the green & blue, the majority of the budget was not completely unexpected by the other political parties in the majority.

Also Centerpatiet and the Greens were pleased that the logic of blocs have been broken. The centre party Karin Ernlund praised the openness and the opportunities that the budget, according to her, means.

Even the christian democrat Erik Slottner was satisfied, if slightly more reserved. He was proud that the budget includes bets on security, assisted living, and lower taxes, but he was not as jubilant over the majority.

” It was a complicated political position and we traded after location.

were not shared by the opposition. Oppositionsborgarrådet Karin Wanngård (S) find that the budget means a tax cut at the expense of the young and the sell-offs.

the Libraries get the money to the guardian instead of to the books, said Karin Wanngård and continued to criticize the budget.

– The new bourgeois authorities have already shown that they want to go back to a time where Stockholm is difficult for those who are not born with money. Culture and leisure time activities for young people is the first thing that it is cut on, ” said Karin Wanngård.

in the debate was about the public interest. The blue-green governance have opened up in order to transform the public service in the suburbs to condominiums, something which has been criticised from the Feminist initiative, Left party and the social democrats.

Despite the fact that other substances such as schools and elderly care were discussed often ended up public housing in focus. The debate was for long moments, also the ideological.

oppositionsborgarråd Clara Lindblom asked the majority why they want to make it more difficult to get a tenancy in Stockholm. Both Erik Slottner and Anna König Jerlmyr replied that the ownership of dwellings is an opportunity that you should not deny people in the suburbs.

– the Alliance and the green Party lowers taxes and funds through sell-offs and cuts. We say no to it, ” said Sissela Nordling Blanco, leader of the Feminist initiative.

The sweden democrats focused on the traffic in the debate. Their group leader Peter Wallmark demanded answers on why the Eastern link is not constructed and the proposed metro between the Old Town and the Slussen locks to be dug down. The interest was cool from the rest of the group.

the Budget will be debated throughout Wednesday and Thursday. Late on Thursday made the formally adopted by the city council of the city of Stockholm.