the CDU and the SPD have presented a compromise to the “prohibition of advertising” for abortion. For the abolition could not agree.

away with 219a, to demand women’s organisations have long photo: imago/ipon

BERLIN Reuters The German government wants to maintain the controversial “ban advertising” for abortion, but to Supplement it. Among other things, should be legally formulated, and how Physicians and hospitals can be informed about the fact that they perform abortions, declared to the competent Ministers on Wednesday evening.

“advertising for a termination of pregnancy should not be allowed, however, in the future,” stressed the Chancellery chief Helge Braun. The Federal chamber of physicians and the Federal centre for health education should be given the task to provide contact information for those Affected.

Whether the proposal of the Minister of the months-long dispute in the Union and the SPD settled is, however, questionable. Both groups want to discuss it in January. SPD party head Andrea Nahles welcomed the compromise proposal, however, was making it clear also that the group would wait for the exact text of the law, and then decide. Union faction leader Ralph Brinkhaus said it was a “first step in the clarification of the issues at stake in the coalition”. The exact proposal was evaluated in January in the group.

Final formulations for additions to the existing law after the information of the German press Agency. Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD) announced in January a draft law to submit.

for Months, the German government had struggled for a compromise on the so-called ban on advertising for abortion. Involved were the Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD), family Minister Franziska Giffey (SPD), interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) and the Chancellery chief Helge Braun (CDU). On Wednesday noon, the Minister*were present inside around three hours without a result, and continued their conversations by phone. Particularly, the SPD had built up pressure and an agreement requires.

Section 219a in the criminal code prohibits advertisements for abortion – it makes punishable, when offering “to his financial advantage because of the” public crashes. The SPD had initiated a Reform, their request, but in consideration for the coalition partner.

In the SPD, there were also aspirations, the subject of a non-compelling solution in the Bundestag as a conscience decision. Then you could together with the FDP, Left and Greens, the abolition of the paragraph decided.

the trigger for the debate was the conviction of a Doctor from Giessen, the information was offered to terminate a pregnancy as a file for Download.