Not only in the budget dispute, the us should look to the EU skeptical on Italy. Europe-wide hard-won civil rights and women’s rights be turned back.

Italian feminists dressed up in the style of the series, “The Handmaid’s Tale” photo: Reuters

is going on in Europe and frightened markets, and governments: the Italexit. We still don’t know how the tug-of-war to the budget law and the trial of power between the Italian government and Europe will turn out. But what happens now unseen by Europe, is a gorge in secret EU-exit of Italy in the area of civil rights. The current populist government puts the whole of Italy in a time machine that threatens to drive us back, especially in terms of women’s rights. A shift to the right after the Polish model, which takes place under the eyes of all and at least as very alarming and should question the Budget.

For even in Italy the fundamentalist rights of Catholicism lifts up her head, and she has the best Connections in the government. The first taste of the composition of the government team had already left with the Ministry for equal opportunities, there is now a Ministry for the family and people with disabilities.

the change of name referred to a precise cultural and political horizon: At the heart of this government is not equal opportunity, especially between men and women, but the support of the so-called traditional family model, the return of women to the domestic hearth (where you are supposed to take care of, probably to people with a disability).

This cultural approach is also reflected in the much-discussed budget law; instead of a serious policy to promote female employment and the social systems it provides for, among other things, that families in the three years from 2019 to 2021, a third child may apply to a public or unused land with development loans for the purchase of a nearby property. Give to the father of the country a child, the father of the country will pay you with the country!

an Average of 70 percent of Italian gynaecologists refuse abortion

At the top of the Ministry of family Affairs Lorenzo Fontana was appointed. The man is convinced that a fabulous “gender theory” exists, for the dissolution of the traditional family. He is an opponent of the partnership. He is close to the extreme Right of Verona. And he is, above all, a fierce opponent of the female Right to abortion. As such, he is a member of the ComitatoNo194 (which is also supported by the fascist Forza Nuova). It not only demands the abolition of the law 194/1978 – the regulates in Italy the abortion, but even imprisonment (between eight and twelve years) for driving women and Doctors, the crashes.

In this heated climate, it is not surprising that in some Italian cities applications and, in some cases, also approved, to support organisations of opponents of Abortion. To the top of Verona, not coincidentally, Fontana’s hometown, where the municipal Council in October committed to with 21 Votes in favour and 6 votes against to Finance the ultra-Catholic so-called Prolife organizations, and Verona can be explained continued in addition to the “city of life”.

This Text comes from the taz at the weekend. Always starting on Saturday at the Kiosk, eKiosk, or equal to, in the practical Wochenendabo. And in the case of Facebook and Twitter.

Already today, the law can be implemented 194 inadequate. Because the so-called conscientious objection is prevalent – and in many cases advanced: on Average, 70 percent of Italian gynaecologists refuse abortion, with peaks of 98 percent in Parts of the country. Just recently, a hospital was discharged a doctor immediately, because he had refused to treat a woman, in the 18. Week a miscarriage, had suffered, and urgent help was needed. The woman probably would have died if not for a colleague would not have stepped in, which was not in service.

The law 194 provides for the refusal for reasons of conscience, but only for procedures that lead to an abortion, but it does not absolve the medical staff, of course, by no means of its treatment obligation in the event of an emergency. But if even the Pope is allowed to compare abortion with the “use a task killer to solve a Problem” will increase the appeal on certain reasons: Who wants to feel comfortable as a contract killer?

During the Italy inside the recurring attacks on the law 194 are already accustomed to, comes the recent attack on the divorce law out of the blue. A draft law to the joint custody of the Senator Simone Pillon of the Lega served as a Trojan horse. The design wants to change the current divorce law, and serves obviously, the deterrent before the divorce with children.

among the most controversial proposals, the commitment to Mediation (for a fee, to the detriment of the spouse) and between the parents evenly split the childcare times. Thus, the draft law raises the basic principle on which the current Italian family law is based, namely the parent of the child’s well-being. With this principle in mind, the judges try today, the Situation of the individual family to assess and decide where the “center of life” is able to guarantee the stability and balance of the child. So today it’s the parents that have to be subordinate to the needs of your children – if Pillons of the draft law, this could be how packets between the parents and negotiated moved.

the ultra-religious, right-wing organizations partly Funded with substantial cash flows from Russia and Azerbaijan.

in Addition, Pillons design does not guarantee the protection of children from domestic violence. Indeed, he wants to introduce the Argument of the so-called parent-child alienation (PAS – Parental Alienation Syndrome), a “syndrome” to reject all psychiatric associations of the world as non-existent, and, in short, the statements of a child one of the parents is accused of being part of the abuse, unreliable scaling, since they are almost always due to brainwashing by the other parent. In the worst cases, abused forced children to continue with the abuse parents to be a part of handling (or even live with him).

But who is Simone Pillon? A fervent Catholic from Brescia and co-organizer of several “Family Days”. He, too, is convinced of the existence of a conspiracy of the “gender theory”, the decomposing of the traditional family, and, above all, he is specialized as a lawyer on those in Mediation, which intends to introduce his bill obligatory: a powerful conflict of interest.

Against Pillons bill stirs wide Protest organized by feminist associations. 10. November demonstrated in 50 Italian places, tens of thousands of women. The Protest also stood in the centre of the great national Demonstration on 24 November. November in Rome on the occasion of the International day against violence against women took place. But if he has success, is questionable.

signs of a return of the religious Right, which wants to restrict the civil rights and particularly women’s rights, are certainly cause for concern, you should enable Europe to at least as much in turmoil as the increase in the budget deficit and the Spread. For discussion (and its Expansion prevented), these hard-won rights of a dense network of ultra-religious, right-wing organizations, which are widely used in many countries and closely intertwined, from Hungary to Spain, from Poland to the USA. Funded in part with substantial cash flows from Russia and Azerbaijan, as recently a Search of the weekly magazine L’espresso revealed.

Many of these organizations will meet next March at the “World Congress of Families” in Verona. An appointment that all those want to keep your eye, want to prevent that Italy will be thrown back to sixty years.

from the Italian by Michaela Heissenberger