The French terrorists are like the rest of the summer wasps, write to the newspaper foreign editor James Isoniemi.

Strasbourg, France, happened Tuesday night shooting, which is strongly influenced by the extremist islamist terrorist activities.

the Suspect Cherif cheka country is a 29-year-old, born in France and he has an AFP according to the background at the 27 criminal convictions, including aggravated robbery. He has spent time in prison and he has been the French security services monitoring list for a number of years.

March 2018 Redouane Lakdim , as a baby from Morocco to France, changed the 25-year-old man shot four people in the South of France. He had spent time in prison for drug offenses and petty crimes, and he was for several years the French security services to the monitoring list.

April 2017 Karim Cheurfi , a French-born 39-year-old man opened fire in Paris on the Champs-Elysees towards the police officers, killing one of them. He had a long criminal history and more than 10 years in prison for attempted murder. He was interrogated terrorist threats on suspicion, and he was a bit before your actions added to monitoring list.

Charlie Hebdo magazine premises in January 2015 to carry out attacks was a French extremist-islamisia the light of the first. Later, the terror, the difference was that the motivator for the actions of Al-Qaeda and Isis. JULIEN WARNAND

March 2017 Zied Ben Belgacem , a French-born 39-year-old man shot a cop in the Paris suburbs and then try to deprive the weapon of a soldier from the Orly airport, before he was shot. He had spent time in prison, including aggravated robbery and drug crimes. ”Allah” huudellutkin man had the time of his death his blood alcohol, cannabis and cocaine. He was on parole.

June 2017 Larossa Abballa , the French-born 25-year-old man killed a police officer and his spouse of magna ville in Paris on the west side. He had convictions for thefts and violent crimes and he had spent time in prison for terrorist acts from design. He had previously been on the monitoring list.

in March 2016 and November 2015, the so-called Brussels-Isis-cells do the attacks in Brussels and Paris. The vast majority of the terrorists were native-born French and the belgians. the Salah and Ibrahim Abdeslam , Salah and Brahim , Abdelhamid Abaaoud , Khalid El Bakraoui , Mohamed Abrin and so on. Three ten on both sides. Delinquents and criminals. Drugs and unemployment.

in January 2015 Said and Cherif Kouachi , 32 – and 34-year-old French-born brothers attacked the satirical magazine Charlie hebdo’s offices and killed 12 people. A little later Amedy Coulibaly , 32-year-old French-born Kouachi brothers friends held my own shooting and hostage situation, which killed five people.

in March 2012, Mohammed Merah , the 23-year-old to the monitoring list was a petty criminal, shoots seven people in the Toulouse region.

Terrorist Salah Abdeslam trial in Brussels last February. Image processing is a picture office by the. ZUMAWIRE / MVPHOTOS|||

from the Above examples, may certainly more observant to detect certain similarities.

Can say that France has a serious problem with extremist islamists.

the threat comes not walk to Syria or Iraq. It stems from the same factors that drive crime such as poverty and exclusion. Second-generation immigrants, who are native to the colonial power of the French ex-ship countries.

you Know those late summer wasps, where the queen has left the nest? Their society is broken, work and purpose is not, and the existence of the only reason is to stay there before the inevitable death of the winter dawn. In the same way, this French and Belgian suburbs increased gang life is devoid of sensible meaning. They are very fertile ground for vinoutuneeseen aatteeseensa fervently for the believers recruiter so in prisons than in civilian life, too. Take this direction and put, simple.

at the Same time, different side of the French ”yellow vest” marching, because they are poor, economically troubled or low-income tax increases are victims of pensioners.

one could probably say that France’s gigantic social problems.

it Is intellectual laziness to argue that France has a terrorism wave just because of the muslims.


No rule without exception. In July 2016, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel drove a truck into the crowd in Nice, killing almost 90 people. He was 31 years old, born in Tunisia and lived in France for over 10 years. She had a history of petty crime but not a custodial sentence. He had drugs, violence videos, married women and with men. He also ate pork, and was married to his cousin. The beard he grew a week before the attack.