Bullets Strasbourg christmas market hit the heart of Europe.Strasbourg has plenty of soldiers and police officers to oversee safety Tuesday night after the attack. EPA/AOP

France is on high alert, as the Strasbourg christmas market at the three people killed by the shooter is still on the loose. 13 wounded nine in a serious condition.

the 29-year-old suspect heard the police in the radicalisation of suspects, and Strasbourg shootings are investigated as terrorism.

in France, born, the north african backgrounds, with and reportedly the extremist islamist would motive to work with Cherif Chekattiin has a long criminal history. Tuesday morning before the attack, the robbery suspect on a related search warrant at guy’s apartment to find a grenade and ammo. Cheka person wasn’t there, so the arrest is not successful.

Free public space has changed in Europe in recent years, a scene of violence, and the terror threat feel shadowing ordinary, everyday life. Fear of the mundane does not mean, however, that the attacks of wounded people experienced by the sense of security every time one thoroughly.

the terrorists the cold calculation is that the target selection were random, the victims are ordinary citizens. In other respects, the randomness is not.

Strasbourg is the city as a symbol of the weight value. The shootings have hit a sensitive place and time – the christmas capital strasbourg’s old center and glistening in the French major already in 1570 the host of the christmas market as a haven, and in the process is also underway in the European parliament’s plenary week.

security measures in Strasbourg are tightened to the extreme. The French government has raised the country’s threat to security to a higher level.

the Terrorist attacks supposedly will pursue to confuse more French politically unstable situation that presents itself on Saturday, almost city war recalled as violence in Paris city centre.

the yellow vest of the rebellion is no longer a protest movement of fuel tax increases, but it channeled politically eriparisten multitudes of disappointment inequality, one of the ”rich president” to look at its innovations escalate. Sector Emmanuel macron apologetic tv speech, and the minimum wage raise hundreds of euros have come perhaps too late, because now the ”bread crumb instead want a baguette”.

Terrorism is democracy, the insidious enemy, because it works megafonina insecurity and any sort of suspicion. President Trump is already used in the Strasbourg attack the basis of the Mexican border wall.