A hitherto unknown memo account several challenges in relation to the government’s plan to make the island of Lindholm for a new udrejsecenter of exhibited criminals.

According to the memo, which is sent to the Aliens affairs and Integration in november, almost a quarter of the buildings on the Lindholm nedrivningsmodne. It writes Berlingske.

the Memo is from the Property. In it, it appears that the DTU – which today stands for the operation of Veterinærinstituttet on the island – has appointed 11 of the island’s 47 buildings as nedrivningsmodne.

But the challenges do not stop here. The memorandum strikes, according to the newspaper, it states that it is expected that a large part of the Lindholms buildings can’t be reused for another purpose.

It is also pointed out that “there is a possible soil contamination on the smaller parts of the area”, writes Berlingske.

This leads to a “limited use of the island”, with particular reference to cleaning up after the island’s two landfills and “leakage from the sewers”.

the Danish university and Property agency points out in the memorandum also, that Lindholm included as one of the 252 areas covered by the bevaringsprojektet “Natura 2000”.

– In relation to the Natura 2000 means, among other things, that the actions only happen, if the offer nature enthusiasts are catered for. In addition, parts of the area covered by the strandbeskyttelse, protective stone and jorddiger (and) protected natural habitats, standing there in the note.

Previously, it has been promoting, to the laboratories on the island, as the DTU leaves the next year, must be cleansed of any possible residues of the different viruses.

It is expected to be completed in 2020.

Moreover there is no drinking water on the island.

In a written response to the Berlingske tidende writes aliens and the integration minister Inger Støjberg (V), among other things, that it has been supposed that the buildings would be cleaned.

– It is a process that was planned, and takes place independently of the plans to establish Udrejsecenter Lindholm.

– When the island is made ready for new use, there will be initiated a construction process. It is quite natural that there should be adjustments when the island goes from one purpose to another, she writes.