Sweden faces one of the most intense political weeks in recent years.

If Stefan Löfven manages to get together a regeringsunderlag in negotiations with the Centre party, the Liberals and the Greens, it can be statsministeromröstning in the middle of the week. And the days thereafter, the presentation of the ministers and the government declaration.

with the EU heads of state and government gather at the luciadagens evening to discuss, inter alia, Brexit and migration. But Sweden’s chair can be empty at the summit.

the Reason is that only a country’s head of state is allowed to take place at the EU leaders ‘ table unless the government can. But sending the king is not current. The solution may instead be to another country’s head of government may bring the Swedish proceedings.

If the british parliament on Tuesday will vote no to the proposed utträdesavtalet, will the EU leaders have a lot to have to think about. A avtalslös Brexit in march next year could have major consequences for the company and many EU-citizens.

now, an intense planning for different scenarios for the week’s meetings.

Video: is right now busy with government negotiations that is expected to continue over the weekend.

On Monday, Video: leave a ”follow up report” to the president, Andreas Norlén about how it has gone. Perhaps he has a result, or to ask for a little more förhandlingstid.

at the same time, parliament set the financial framework for the next year – the drama begins on Monday morning when the finance committee has been meeting. Then, or during the day, it should become clear whether it will be the Conservatives and Their joint budget proposal that shall apply to Sweden after the new year. The sweden democrats have already promised their support.

on the budget on Wednesday could mean big troubles for Stefan Löfven if he manages to get to a government. Although a new government to quickly submit a large amending budget, but the damage may already be done, with Löfvens eyes, because the budget from the M and KD with large tax cuts and seized on a large part of the space for reforms that are to come.

Löfvens rescue can be in the weekend to get a deal on the power with the C, L and MP, which also means that the C and L voting with the government on the budget on december 12.