The SDP Lindtman: ”Tavio exceeded all discuss the suitability and also the truth of the cross”. Prime minister Sipilä I hope for nothing other finns I quit off Tavion nazi and fascist speeches.

in Parliament, there was talk on Wednesday the European union’s future development. Date of the beginning of the conversation the prime minister Juha Sipilä (centre) found the European to be infected in the last two years, ”populism in the short term”, where ”difficult and complex issues looking for answers to things simpler”.

Sipilä take, for example, the british more and more difficult to use to exit the EU.

– the end Result is for all to see. Now we should learn from what has happened, Sipilä says.

Prime minister Juha Sipilä (centre) holds true finns mps Ville Tavion nazi speeches the victims of nazi Germany as a derogatory. Jenni Gästgivar / IL

Sipilä admitted that the EU is not perfect and that’s enough for a lot of room for improvement.

But the EU benefits are so huge, that the union problems of anybody. Gloves should not throw the bar, like the british exit-side visible characters make. The EU’s challenges is to find concrete answers,

the Debate on the future of Europe going for a long time the normal politically correct and mainly the EU-a positive – even if the true finns and the blue and the far left alliance, from the ranks of the criticism I heard – until about 45 minutes out loud to get the true finns mps Ville Tavio .

it Is interesting that today, the Finnish political debate between the feels like, that include some sort of minority, while proponents of Finnish independence, when the support of the Finnish nation state, Tavio started getting confronted with heckling from across the hall.

Tavio doesn’t scream of startled, but added rounds and compare the European union as well as the Soviet union and fascist nazi Germany.

– Federalists, Europe idolized the makers, threatening the European peoples. Federalists threaten nation states. Federalism creates only a new kind of soviet union to the EU. They create a new kind of nazi-Germany. The EU’s wishes is just a new kind of fascism, fascism in a new form. Hate speech police work, and the population is changed. The Finnish people did not vote for this current EU-fascists on behalf of the accession to the EU, Tavio continue to get confronted with more and more heckling.

“Weak provocation”

the Debate will continue Tavion speech after a while normally, but in the end blue’s minister for europe, Sampo Terho was missing Tavion speeches.

– That is, how representative Tavio described the EU: I have heard of such provocations, this was a very weak, but it was very carefully copied them to the provocation of what the European parliament, the extreme right presents on a daily basis. That is, the loan would run smoothly right to criticise fascism, the true finns defected Acorn was acknowledged by a former party colleague of his.

Ville Tavio, the finns of the first period mps from Turku. Petteri assistive aids and

after the SDP parliamentary group chairman Antti Lindtman condemned the Tavion speeches sharply.

– the true finns mps Tavio crossed just to see the debate in all the discussions of suitability and also the truth of the cross, when he compared the EU to the development in nazi Germany and used the term ”fascist” EU development context, Lindtman started moitteensa.

So, nazi Germany is about a million people from genocide and the second world war tens of millions of people died, and the whole of the EU is established from the outset, therefore, that the never.

lindtman according to Tavion parable was so violent, that he hoped the finns party’s management to respond to mps in their speeches.

– Now exceeded that limit, which in this chamber is not previously seen. I’ll wait for the true finns management measures and comment on whether they accept this parable.


the true finns reaction Tavion speeches, I was left waiting for the prime minister Sipilä, who had the congressman’s speech ”degrading”.

– I would like To also contribute to tackling the true finns nazi speech, the EU’s comparison to nazi Germany. It was very degrading speech. It demeans the victims with nazi-germany during the birth, and I hope that the true finns disclaim these speeches, hopefully still during this debate.

the Finnish appeal was supported by, inter alia, the left alliance Li andersson from and green Pekka Haavistolta .

I Want to thank the prime minister for this speech, and remains subject my eyes to the true finns direction, that still would have the opportunity to really withdraw from this speech, Anderson noted.

Haavisto, in turn, should Tavion speeches of fascism, the memory of the victims and also the European union, the birth of history as a derogatory.

– If you think about the European union history, in which the bottom of the European union is founded, the second world war to the terrible experience and the fact that these never occur again – and also all the memory that the victims of fascism in Europe was – so I think it is very inappropriate for this debate to return to these terms, fascism, and nazism, quite inappropriate in the context. It cheapens this part of European history and these individuals memory, Haavisto scolded Tavion.

presidents council?

in the Hall have been true finns are not the prime minister Sipilä appeal stuck, but remained silent for the rest of the debate.

Tavio himself comment the parable of the speech later on Twitter.

I spoke today in parliament on how the EU currently seeks to restrict the dissidents ‘ freedom of expression. The direction is like the Soviet union or nazi Germany. Now Antti Rinne (Sdp) require the silence of my and bureau me some sort of punishment. Proves my point?

Tavio was referring to the Slope, as chairman of the SDP, announced on Wednesday that he wanted the parliament to the president of the council dealing with Tavion hall speech.

Also, the true finns chairman Jussi Halla-aho comment later on Twitter.

– the EU’s comparison to nazi Germany may be overkill, but at least one over the top is the modern nationalism and immigration critical comparison of nazism – or even the call of natsismiksi. However, it seems to be ok, Halla-aho said.