Regular weigh-in and 10 simple weight management tips – there are british research conclusions about how the christmas holidays spare pounds of accumulated meaning.Doctor Pippa Gallop to tell me what the Finnish growing obesity cause.
british the aim of the study was to find out, the block would give people the simple advice weight gain during the holidays.
the Results were published in BMJ-scientific publication. They told the BBC.
according to the researchers, people’s annual weight gain occurs usually just christmas, so the weight management would be a good place at that exact time.
the Birmingham and Loughborough universities to share the 272 volunteers in two groups.
the Study was carried out in the last couple of years, November and December. The participants were weighed again the following year in January and February.
the first group were instructed to weigh themselves at least twice a week during the holiday and write down its weight. This group also received tips for weight management.
the participants were given a list of how much exercise needed to burn popular christmas food and drink calories.
Another group, in turn, received a brochure about healthy way of life, but not in its more detailed guidance for its implementation.
Christmas is a feast of the time, but it’s a good idea to go for a walk. MostphotosVaa’below the entrance was worth it
85 percent of those who went on the scales twice a week, weight kept.
according to the researchers, the group also drank less alcohol.
research teams between the difference in weight was in the end just a pound, but according to scientists, any weight increase of the obstruction’s impact on health.
according to the researchers, the holidays are fattening, because people underestimate the received number of calories and overestimate their consumption.
that’s Why accurate self-observation is an effective means of weight control. Can, for example, have to worry about that going out for a walk, say researchers Frances Mason .
the researchers point out that their study has some limitations; the follow-up period was relatively short, and most of the participants were women who were normal weight or overweight, but not morbidly obese. According to the researchers, it is unclear how well study findings can be generalized to apply to all people.
1. Try to eat approximately the same time every day.
2. Choose low-fat foods whenever you can.
3. Walk 10 000 steps every day.
4. Choose a healthy snack – fresh fruit or low calorie yogurt.
5. Check the fat and sugar share the product label.
6. Pay attention to portion size … don’t pile food on your plate vegetables with the exception.
7. Get up ten minutes every hour.
8. Choose to drink water. Drink as little as possible sugary fruit juices. Keep alcohol drinking to a minimum, because it has a lot of calories.
9. Concentrate on eating. Do not eat while watching tv.
10. Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
Source: BBC, Live Science